The topics listed below are for Cambridge International IGCSE Maths with exam codes:

– Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics 0580

The list provides everything you need for your Cambridge International IGCSE exam, with topics broken in to the headings given by the exam board. More information is available here


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Everything you need to know about your IGCSE (9-1) Maths specifications can be found here.

C1 Number

Core Curriculum

1.1 Identify and use natural numbers, integers (positive, negative and zero), prime numbers, square and cube numbers, common factors and common multiples, rational and irrational numbers (e.g. π, 2 ), real numbers, reciprocals. 

1.2 Understand notation of Venn diagrams. Definition of sets e.g. A = {x: x is a natural number} B = {a, b, c, …}

1.3 Calculate with squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots and other powers and roots of numbers.

1.4 Use directed numbers in practical situations.

1.5 Use the language and notation of simple vulgar and decimal fractions and percentages in appropriate contexts.
Recognise equivalence and convert between these forms. 

1.6 Order quantities by magnitude and demonstrate familiarity with the symbols
=, ≠, >, < , ⩾, ⩽ .

1.7 Understand the meaning of indices (fractional, negative and zero) and use the rules of indices.

Use the standard form A × 10^n where n is a positive or negative integer, and 1 ⩽ A < 10. 

1.8 Use the four rules for calculations with whole numbers, decimals and fractions (including mixed numbers and improper fractions), including correct ordering of operations and use of brackets.

Core curriculum continued

1.9 Make estimates of numbers, quantities and lengths, give approximations to specified numbers of significant figures and decimal places and round off answers to reasonable accuracy in the context of a given problem

1.10 Give appropriate upper and lower bounds for data given to a specified accuracy.

1.11 Demonstrate an understanding of ratio and proportion. Calculate average speed. Use common measures of rate.

1.12 Calculate a given percentage of a quantity. Express one quantity as a percentage of another. Calculate percentage increase or decrease. 

1.13 Use a calculator efficiently. Apply appropriate checks of accuracy. 

1.14 Calculate times in terms of the 24-hour and 12-hour clock. Read clocks, dials and timetables. 

1.15 Calculate using money and convert from one currency to another. 

1.16 Use given data to solve problems on personal and household finance involving earnings, simple
interest and compound interest. Extract data from tables and charts

1.17 Extended curriculum only.



Includes expressing numbers as a product of prime factors. Finding the lowest common multiple (LCM) and highest common factor (HCF) of two numbers. 

Notation Number of elements in set A n(A) Universal set Union of A and B A ∪ B Intersection of A and B A ∩ B

Work out 3² x ∜16

e.g. temperature changes, flood levels.

e.g. measured lengths

To include numerical problems involving direct and inverse proportion. Use ratio and scales in practical situations. Formulae for other rates will be given in the question e.g. pressure and density

Includes discount, profit and loss. Knowledge of compound interest formula is required.


E1 Number

Core Curriculum

1.1 Identify and use natural numbers, integers (positive, negative and zero), prime numbers, square and cube numbers, common factors and common multiples, rational and irrational numbers (e.g. π, √2 ), real numbers, reciprocals.

1.2 Use language, notation and Venn diagrams to describe sets and represent relationships between sets. Definition of sets e.g. A = {x: x is a natural number} B = {(x, y): y = mx + c} C = {x: a ⩽ x ⩽ b} D = {a, b, c, …}

1.3 Calculate with squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots and other powers and roots of numbers.

1.4 Use directed numbers in practical situations.

1.5 Use the language and notation of simple vulgar and decimal fractions and percentages in appropriate contexts. Recognise equivalence and convert between these forms.

1.6 Order quantities by magnitude and demonstrate familiarity with the symbols =, ≠, >, < , ⩾, ⩽.

1.7 Understand the meaning of indices (fractional, negative and zero) and use the rules of indices.

Use the standard form A × 10n where n is a positive or negative integer, and 1 ⩽ A <10

1.8 Use the four rules for calculations with whole numbers, decimals and fractions (including mixed numbers and improper fractions), including correct ordering of operations and use of brackets.

Extended curriculum continued

1.9 Make estimates of numbers,  quantities and lengths, give  approximations to specified numbers of significant figures and decimal places and round off  answers to reasonable accuracy in the context of a given problem.

1.10 Give appropriate upper and lower bounds for data given to a specified accuracy.
Obtain appropriate upper and  lower bounds to solutions of simple problems given data to a specified accuracy.

1.11 Demonstrate an understanding of ratio and proportion.
Increase and decrease a quantity by a given ratio.
Calculate average speed. Use common measures of rate.

1.12 Calculate a given percentage of a quantity. Express one quantity as a percentage of another.
Calculate percentage increase or  decrease.
Carry out calculations involving  reverse percentages.

1.13 Use a calculator efficiently.
Apply appropriate checks of accuracy.

1.14 Calculate times in terms of the 24-hour and 12-hour clock.
Read clocks, dials and timetables.

1.15 Calculate using money and convert from one currency to another.

1.16 Use given data to solve  problems on personal and household finance involving earnings, simple interest and compound interest.
Extract data from tables and  charts.

1.17 Use exponential growth and decay in relation to population and finance.


Includes expressing numbers as a product of prime factors. Finding the lowest common multiple (LCM) and highest common factor (HCF) of two or more numbers. 

Notation Number of elements in set A n(A) “… is an element of …” ∈ “ …is not an element of …” ∉ Complement of set A A′ The empty set ∅ Universal set A is a subset of B A ⊆B A is a proper subset of B A ⊂B A is not a subset of B A ⊈ B A is not a proper subset of B A ⊄B Union of A and B A ∪ B Intersection of A and B A ∩ B

Work out 3²  ∜16

e.g. temperature changes, flood levels.

Includes the conversion of recurring decimals to fractions, e.g. change 0.7  to a fraction

5½ = √5

Find the value of 5², 100½ , 8-2/3

 Work out 2-3 × 24 , (2³ )² , (2-3 ÷ 24 )

Convert numbers into and out of standard form. Calculate with values in standard form.

Applies to positive and negative numbers.

e.g. measured lengths.

e.g. the calculation of the perimeter or the area of a rectangle.

To include numerical problems involving direct and inverse proportion.

Use ratio and scales in practical  situations.
Formulae for other rates will be  given in the question e.g. pressure and density.

e.g. finding the cost price given the selling price and the percentage profit.

Includes discount, profit and loss.
Knowledge of compound interest formula is required.

e.g. depreciation, growth of bacteria.

C2 Algebra and graphs

Core Curriculum

2.1 Use letters to express generalised numbers and express basic arithmetic processes algebraically. Substitute numbers for words and letters in formulae. Rearrange simple formulae. Construct simple expressions and set up simple equations.

2.2 Manipulate directed numbers. Use brackets and extract common factors. Expand products of algebraic expressions.

2.3 Extended curriculum only.

2.4 Use and interpret positive, negative and zero indices. Use the rules of indices.

2.5 Derive and solve simple linear equations in one unknown. Derive and solve simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns. 

Core Curriculum Continued

2.6 Extended curriculum only.

2.7 Continue a given number sequence. Recognise patterns in sequences including the term to term rule and relationships between different sequences. Find and use the nth term of sequences.

2.8 Extended curriculum only.

2.9 Extended curriculum only.

2.10 Interpret and use graphs in practical situations including travel graphs and conversion graphs. Draw graphs from given data.

2.11 Construct tables of values for functions of the form ax + b, ±x² + ax + b, x a (x ≠ 0), where a and b are integer constants. Draw and interpret these graphs. Solve linear and quadratic equations approximately, including finding and interpreting roots by graphical methods. Recognise, sketch and interpret graphs of functions

2.12 Extended curriculum only.

2.13 Extended curriculum only.


e.g. expand 3x(2x – 4y)

e.g. factorise  9x² + 15xy 

Two brackets only, 

e.g. expand (x + 4)(x – 7)

e.g. simplify 3x4 × 5x, 10x3 ÷ 2x² , (x6

Recognise sequences of square, cube and triangular numbers.

Linear, simple quadratic and cubic sequences.

e.g. interpret the gradient of a straight line graph as a rate of change.

Linear and quadratic only. Knowledge of turning points is not required.

E2 Algebra and graphs

Extended Curriculum

2.1 Use letters to express generalised numbers and express basic arithmetic processes algebraically. Substitute numbers for words and letters in complicated formulae. Construct and rearrange complicated formulae and equations.

2.2 Manipulate directed numbers. Use brackets and extract common factors. Expand products of algebraic expressions.

2.3 Factorise where possible expressions of the form: ax + bx + kay + kby

a²x² – b² y²

a² + 2ab + b²

ax² + bx + c

2.3 Manipulate algebraic fractions.

Factorise and simplify rational expressions.

2.4 Use and interpret positive, negative and zero indices. Use and interpret fractional indices. Use the rules of indices.

2.5 Derive and solve linear equations in one unknown. Derive and solve simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns. Derive and solve simultaneous equations, involving one linear and one quadratic. Derive and solve quadratic equations by factorisation, completing the square and by use of the formula. Derive and solve linear inequalities.

Extended Curriculum Continued

2.6 Represent inequalities graphically and use this representation to solve simple linear programming problems.

2.7 Continue a given number sequence.
Recognise patterns in sequences including the term to term rule and relationships between different sequences. Find and use the nth term of sequences.

2.8 Express direct and inverse proportion in algebraic terms and use this form of expression to find unknown quantities.

2.9 Use function notation, e.g. f(x) = 3x – 5, f: x ⟼ 3x – 5, to describe simple functions. Find inverse functions f –1(x). Form composite functions as defined by gf(x) = g(f(x)).

2.10 Interpret and use graphs in practical situations including travel graphs and conversion graphs. Draw graphs from given data. Apply the idea of rate of change to simple kinematics involving distance–time and speed–time graphs, acceleration and deceleration. Calculate distance travelled as area under a speed–time graph.

2.11 Construct tables of values and draw graphs for functions of the form axn (and simple sums of these) and functions of the form abx + c.

Solve associated equations approximately, including finding and interpreting roots by graphical methods. Draw and interpret graphs representing exponential growth and decay problems. Recognise, sketch and interpret graphs of functions.

2.12 Estimate gradients of curves by drawing tangents.

2.13 Understand the idea of a derived function. Use the derivatives of functions of the form axn , and simple sums of not more than three of these. Apply differentiation to gradients and turning points (stationary points). Discriminate between maxima and minima by any method.


e.g. rearrange formulae where the subject appears twice.

e.g. expand 3x(2x – 4y) 

e.g. factorise 9x²  + 15xy 

e.g. expand (x + 4)(x – 7) Includes products of more than two brackets,

e.g. (x + 4)(x – 7)(2x + 1)

e.g. x/3 + (x-4)/2,  2x/3 – (3x-5)/2, 3a/4, 9a/10, 3a/4 ÷ 9a/10 , 1/(x-2) + 2/(x-3)

e.g. (x² – 2x)/ (x² + 5x +6)

e.g. solve 32x= 2

e.g. simplify

3x-4 x 2/3 x½ , 2/5 x ½, ÷ 2x-2, (2x5/3)³

The conventions of using broken lines for strict inequalities and shading unwanted regions will be expected.

Subscript notation may be used.

Linear, quadratic, cubic and exponential sequences and simple combinations of these.

May include estimation and interpretation of the gradient of a tangent at a point.

a and c are rational constants, b is a positive integer, and n = –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3. Sums would not include more than three functions. Find turning points of quadratics by completing the square.

Linear, quadratic, cubic, reciprocal and exponential. Knowledge of turning points and asymptotes is required.

a is a rational constant and n is a positive integer or 0. e.g. 2x³ + x – 7

C3 Coordinate geometry

Core Curriculum

3.1 Demonstrate familiarity with Cartesian coordinates in two dimensions. Notes/Examples 

3.2 Find the gradient of a straight line. 

3.3 Extended curriculum only. 

3.4 Interpret and obtain the equation of a straight line graph in the form y = mx + c.

3.5 Determine the equation of a straight line parallel to a given line

3.6 Extended curriculum only.


Problems will involve finding the equation where the graph is given.

e.g. find the equation of a line parallel to y = 4x – 1 that passes through (0, –3).

E3 Coordinate geometry

Extended Curriculum

3.1 Demonstrate familiarity with Cartesian coordinates in two dimensions. 

3.2 Find the gradient of a straight line. Calculate the gradient of a straight line from the coordinates of two points on it. 

3.3 Calculate the length and the coordinates of the midpoint of a straight line from the coordinates of its end points. 

3.4 Interpret and obtain the equation of a straight line graph. 

3.5 Determine the equation of a straight line parallel to a given line.

3.6 Find the gradient of parallel and perpendicular lines.


e.g. find the equation of a line parallel to y = 4x – 1 that passes through (0, –3).

e.g. find the gradient of a line perpendicular to y = 3x + 1.

e.g. find the equation of a line perpendicular to one passing through the coordinates (1, 3) and (–2, –9).

C4 Geometry

Core Curriculum

4.1 Use and interpret the geometrical terms: point, line, parallel, bearing, right angle, acute, obtuse and reflex angles, perpendicular, similarity and congruence. Use and interpret vocabulary of triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, polygons and simple solid figures including nets. 

4.2 Measure and draw lines and angles. Construct a triangle given the three sides using a ruler and a pair of compasses only. 

4.3 Read and make scale drawings. 

4.4 Calculate lengths of similar figures. 

4.5 Recognise congruent shapes. 

4.6 Recognise rotational and line symmetry (including order of rotational symmetry) in two dimensions.

Core curriculum continued

4.7 Calculate unknown angles using the following geometrical properties: 

    • angles at a point 

    • angles at a point on a straight line and intersecting straight lines 

    • angles formed within parallel lines 

    • angle properties of triangles and quadrilaterals 

    • angle properties of regular polygons 

    • angle in a semicircle  

    • angle between tangent and radius of a circle.


Includes properties of triangles, quadrilaterals and circles directly related to their symmetries.

Candidates will be expected to use the correct geometrical terminology when giving reasons for answers.

E4 Geometry

Extended Curriculum

4.1 Use and interpret the geometrical terms: point, line, parallel, bearing, right angle, acute, obtuse and reflex angles, perpendicular, similarity and congruence. Use and interpret vocabulary of triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, polygons and simple solid figures including nets. 

4.2 Measure and draw lines and angles. Construct a triangle given the three sides using a ruler and a pair of compasses only. 

4.3 Read and make scale drawings. 

4.4 Calculate lengths of similar figures. Use the relationships between areas of similar triangles, with corresponding results for similar figures and extension to volumes and surface areas of similar solids. 

4.5 Use the basic congruence criteria for triangles (SSS, ASA, SAS, RHS). 

4.6 Recognise rotational and line symmetry (including order of rotational symmetry) in two dimensions. Recognise symmetry properties of the prism (including cylinder) and the pyramid (including cone). Use the following symmetry properties of circles: 

    • equal chords are equidistant from the centre 

    • the perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the centre 

    • tangents from an external point are equal in length.

Extended Curriculum continued

Calculate unknown angles using the following geometrical properties: 

    • angles at a point 

    • angles at a point on a straight line and intersecting straight lines 

    • angles formed within parallel lines 

    • angle properties of triangles and quadrilaterals 

    • angle properties of regular polygons 

    • angle in a semicircle 

    • angle between tangent and radius of a circle 

    • angle properties of irregular polygons 

    • angle at the centre of a circle is twice the angle at the circumference 

    • angles in the same segment are equal 

    • angles in opposite segments are supplementary; cyclic quadrilaterals 

    • alternate segment theorem.


Includes properties of triangles, quadrilaterals and circles directly related to their symmetries.

Candidates will be expected to use the correct geometrical terminology when giving reasons for answers.

C5 Mensuration

Core curriculum

5.1 Use current units of mass, length, area, volume and capacity in practical situations and express quantities in terms of larger or smaller units.

5.2 Carry out calculations involving the perimeter and area of a rectangle, triangle, parallelogram and trapezium and compound shapes derived from these. 

5.3 Carry out calculations involving the circumference and area of a circle.

Solve simple problems involving the arc length and sector area as fractions of the circumference and area of a circle.

5.4 Carry out calculations involving the surface area and volume of a cuboid, prism and cylinder. Carry out calculations involving the surface area and volume of a sphere, pyramid and cone.

5.5 Carry out calculations involving the areas and volumes of compound shapes.


Convert between units including units of area and volume.

Answers may be asked for in multiples of π

Where the sector angle is a factor of 360.

Answers may be asked for in multiples of π.

Formulae will be given for the surface area and volume of the sphere, pyramid and cone in the question.

Answers may be asked for in multiples of π.

E5 Mensuration

Extended curriculum

5.1 Use current units of mass, length, area, volume and capacity in practical situations and express quantities in terms of larger or smaller units.

5.2 Carry out calculations involving the perimeter and area of a rectangle, triangle, parallelogram and trapezium and compound shapes derived from these. 

5.3 Carry out calculations involving the circumference and area of a circle. Solve problems involving the arc length and sector area as fractions of the circumference and area of a circle.

5.4 Carry out calculations involving the surface area and volume of a cuboid, prism and cylinder. Carry out calculations involving the surface area and volume of a sphere, pyramid and cone.

5.5 Carry out calculations involving the areas and volumes of compound shapes.


Convert between units including units of area and volume.

Answers may be asked for in multiples of π.

Answers may be asked for in multiples of π.

Formulae will be given for the surface area and volume of the sphere, pyramid and cone in the question.

Answers may be asked for in multiples of π.

C6 Trignometry

Core curriculum

6.1 Interpret and use three-figure bearings.

6.2 Apply Pythagoras’ theorem and the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for acute angles to the calculation of a side or of an angle of a rightangled triangle.

6.3 Extended curriculum only.

6.4 Extended curriculum only.

6.5 Extended curriculum only.


Measured clockwise from the North, i.e. 000°–360°.

Angles will be quoted in degrees. Answers should be written in degrees and decimals to one decimal place.

E6 Trigonometry

Extended curriculum

6.1 Interpret and use three-figure bearings.

6.2 Apply Pythagoras’ theorem and the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for acute angles to the calculation of a side or of an angle of a rightangled triangle. Solve trigonometric problems in two dimensions involving angles of elevation and depression. Know that the perpendicular distance from a point to a line is the shortest distance to the line.

6.3 Recognise, sketch and interpret graphs of simple trigonometric functions. Graph and know the properties of trigonometric functions. Solve simple trigonometric equations for values between 0° and 360°.

6.4 Solve problems using the sine and cosine rules for any triangle and the formula area of triangle = 1/2 ab sin C.

6.5 Solve simple trigonometrical problems in three dimensions including angle between a line and a plane.


Measured clockwise from the North, i.e. 000°–360°.

Angles will be quoted in degrees. Answers should be written in degrees and decimals to one decimal place

e.g. sin x = √3 /2 for values of x between 0° and 360°.

Includes problems involving obtuse angles.

C7 Vectors and transformations

Core curriculum

7.1 Describe a translation by using a vector represented by e.g.[ x ;y], AB or a. Add and subtract vectors. Multiply a vector by a scalar.

7.2 Reflect simple plane figures in horizontal or vertical lines. Rotate simple plane figures about the origin, vertices or midpoints of edges of the figures, through multiples of 90°. Construct given translations and enlargements of simple plane figures. Recognise and describe reflections, rotations, translations and enlargements.

7.3 Extended curriculum only.


Positive and fractional scale factors for enlargements only. Positive and fractional scale factors for enlargements only.

E7 Vectors and transformations

Extended curriculum

7.1 Describe a translation by using a vector represented by e.g. [x;y], AB or a.
Add and subtract vectors. Multiply a vector by a scalar.

7.2 Reflect simple plane figures. Rotate simple plane figures through multiples of 90°. Construct given translations and enlargements of simple plane figures. Recognise and describe reflections, rotations, translations and enlargements.

7.3 Calculate the magnitude of a vector [x; y] as x² + y². Represent vectors by directed line segments. Use the sum and difference of two vectors to express given vectors in terms of two coplanar vectors. Use position vectors.


Positive, fractional and negative scale factors for enlargements. Positive, fractional and negative scale factors for enlargements.

Vectors will be printed as AB or a and their magnitudes denoted by modulus signs, e.g. AB or a . In their answers to questions, candidates are expected to indicate a in some definite way, e.g. by an arrow or by underlining, thus AB or a.


C8 Probability

Core Curriculum

8.1 Calculate the probability of a single event as either a fraction, decimal or percentage

8.2 Understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1. 

8.3 Understand that the probability of an event occurring = 1 – the probability of the event not occurring. 

8.4 Understand relative frequency as an estimate of probability. Expected frequency of occurrences. 

8.5 Calculate the probability of simple combined events, using possibility diagrams, tree diagrams and Venn diagrams.

8.6 Extended curriculum only.


Problems could be set involving extracting information from tables or graph.

In possibility diagrams, outcomes will be represented by points on a grid, and in tree diagrams, outcomes will be written at the end of branches and probabilities by the side of the branches. Venn diagrams will be limited to two sets.


E8 Probability

Extended curriculum

8.1 Calculate the probability of a single event as either a fraction, decimal or percentage.

8.2 Understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1. 

8.3 Understand that the probability of an event occurring = 1 – the probability of the event not occurring. 

8.4 Understand relative frequency as an estimate of probability. Expected frequency of occurrences. 

8.5 Calculate the probability of simple combined events, using possibility diagrams, tree diagrams and Venn diagrams.

8.6 Calculate conditional probability using Venn diagrams, tree diagrams and tables.


Problems could be set involving extracting information from tables or graphs.

In possibility diagrams, outcomes will be represented by points on a grid, and in tree diagrams, outcomes will be written at the end of branches and probabilities by the side of the branches.

e.g. Two dice are rolled. Given that the total showing on the two dice is 7, find the probability that one of the dice shows the number 2.

C9 Statistics

Core curriculum

9.1 Collect, classify and tabulate statistical data. 

9.2 Read, interpret and draw simple inferences from tables and statistical diagrams. Compare sets of data using tables, graphs and statistical measures. Appreciate restrictions on drawing conclusions from given data. 

9.3 Construct and interpret bar charts, pie charts, pictograms, stem-and-leaf diagrams, simple frequency distributions, histograms with equal intervals and scatter diagrams. 

9.4 Calculate the mean, median, mode and range for individual and discrete data and distinguish between the purposes for which they are used. 

9.5 Extended curriculum only. 

9.6 Extended curriculum only. 

9.7 Understand what is meant by positive, negative and zero correlation with reference to a scatter diagram. 

9.8 Draw, interpret and use lines of best fit by eye.

E9 Statistics

Extended curriculum

9.1 Collect, classify and tabulate statistical data. 

9.2 Read, interpret and draw inferences from tables and statistical diagrams. Compare sets of data using tables, graphs and statistical measures. Appreciate restrictions on drawing conclusions from given data.

9.3 Construct and interpret bar charts, pie charts, pictograms, stem-and-leaf diagrams, simple frequency distributions, histograms with equal and unequal intervals and scatter diagrams.

9.4 Calculate the mean, median, mode and range for individual and discrete data and distinguish between the purposes for which they are used. 

9.5 Calculate an estimate of the mean for grouped and continuous data. Identify the modal class from a grouped frequency distribution. 

9.6 Construct and use cumulative frequency diagrams. Estimate and interpret the median, percentiles, quartiles and interquartile range. Construct and interpret box-and-whisker plots. 

9.7 Understand what is meant by positive, negative and zero correlation with reference to a scatter diagram. 

9.8 Draw, interpret and use lines of best fit by eye.


For unequal intervals on histograms, areas are proportional to frequencies and the vertical axis is labelled ‘frequency density’.

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TUITION (Ireland)


Per Month
For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).


For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).


For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.


Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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TUITION (United States)


Per Month
For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).


For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).


For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.


Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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£ 400

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4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.

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TUITION (Singapore)


Per Month
For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).


For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).


For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.


Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
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TUITION (South Africa)

R3 500

Per Month
For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).

R8 000

For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).

R8 000

For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.

R100 000

Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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Tuition Costs In Our Buildings and Online

TUITION (United Arab Emirates)


Per Month
For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).


For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).


For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.


Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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Tuition Costs In Our Buildings and Online

TUITION (Australia)


Per Month
For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).


For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).


For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.


Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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Our Official UK Government Exam Centre
British A Levels & GCSEs
Fly to London
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Telephone Numbers:
United Kingdom: 0208 577 0088
Singapore: 3159 5139
South Africa: 087 550 1935
USA, UAE & Australia: +44 208 570 9113
Irleand and Europe: +44 208 577 0088
Call for free Via What's App: +44 788 667 3220

Email Address:
Email: [email protected]

United Kingdom: 0208 577 0088

Singapore: 3159 5139

South Africa: 087 550 1935

Ireland & Europe: +44 208 570 9113

USA, UAE & Australia: +44 208 577 0088

Call for free via WhatsApp: +44 7886 673 220


Private Tuition

TUITION (United Kingdom)

Tuition costs (In Our Buildings & Online)

£ 400

For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.

£ 5000

Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

Click here for More Details

Our Official UK Government Exam Centre
British A Levels & GCSEs
Fly to London
Accommodation recommended


(In Our Buildings & Online)

Ages 5 to 19

  • Maths
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Additional subjects available on request.


  • English for beginners / Non – English Speakers
  • English for professionals
    (Lawyers, Accountants, Doctors, etc)


(In Our Buildings & Online)

  • We are one of the oldest tuition providers in the world.
  • We are a British company with a phenomenal history and reputation.
  • We provide our services in a few of the world’s major cities.
  • We teach in our buildings and online.
  • Our teachers are native English speakers, educated to the highest standard.
  • We operate a strict education platform to create high achievers.
  • We operate a high security and confidential service.
  • We are known for educating celebrities and children of celebrities.
  • We also provide full-time online schooling for those that require it.
  • We look to take on 30 enthusiastic learners each year.
  • Our typical programs last up to 5 years.