The topics listed below are for OCR GCSE Combined Science – Gateway Science Suite, with exam codes:

– Combined Science A (Gateway Science) (Foundation Tier): J250 F

– Combined Science A (Gateway Science) (Higher Tier): J250 H

The list provides everything you need for your OCR GCSE Combined Science – Gateway Science Suite exam, with topics broken in to the headings given by the exam board. More information is available here


For samples questions and papers, please click this linkL


Everything you need to know about your GCSE (9-1) Combined Science – Gateway Science Suite specifications can be found here.

Content of topics B1 to B6, C1 to C6 and P1 to P6

Topic B1: Cell level systems

Cell structures

Learning outcomes

B1.1a describe how light microscopes and staining can be used to view cells

B1.1b explain how the main sub-cellular structures of eukaryotic cells (plants and animals) and prokaryotic cells are related to their functions

B1.1c explain how electron microscopy has increased our understanding of sub-cellular structures

To include:

B1.1a lenses, stage, lamp, use of slides and cover slips, and the use of stains to view colourless specimens or to highlight different structures/tissues and calculation of the magnification used

B1.1b nucleus, genetic material, chromosomes, plasmids, mitochondria (contain enzymes for cellular respiration), chloroplasts (contain chlorophyll), cell membranes (contain receptor molecules, provides a selective barrier to molecules) and ribosomes (site of protein synthesis)

B1.1c to include increased resolution in a transmission electron microscope

DNA and protein synthesis

Learning outcomes

B1.2a describe DNA as a polymer

B1.2b describe DNA as being made up of two strands forming a double helix

B1.2c describe experiments that can be used to investigate enzymatic reactions

B1.2d explain the mechanism of enzyme action 

To include:

B1.2d the role of enzymes in metabolism, the role of the active site, enzyme specificity (lock and key hypothesis) and factors affecting the rate of enzyme controlled reactions (pH, temperature, substrate and enzyme concentration)


Learning outcomes

B1.3a describe cellular respiration as a universal chemical process, continuously occurring in all living cells that supply ATP

B1.3b describe cellular respiration as an exothermic reaction

B1.3c compare the processes of aerobic and anaerobic respiration

B1.3d explain the importance of sugars in the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates

B1.3e explain the importance of amino acids in the synthesis and breakdown of proteins

B1.3f explain the importance of fatty acids and glycerol in the synthesis and breakdown of lipids

To include:

B1.3c in plants/fungi and animals the different conditions, substrates, products and relative yields of ATP

B1.3d to include use of the terms monomer and polymer

B.13e to include use of the terms monomer and polymer


Learning outcomes

B1.4a describe photosynthetic organisms as the main producers of food and therefore biomass for life on Earth

B1.4b describe the process of photosynthesis

B1.4c describe photosynthesis as an endothermic reaction

B1.4d describe experiments to investigate photosynthesis

B1.4e explain the effect of temperature, light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis

B1.4f explain the interaction of temperature, light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration in limiting the rate of photosynthesis

To include:

B1.4b reactants and products, two-stage process, location of the reaction (in the chloroplasts)

B1.4f using graphs depicting the effects of the limiting factors

Topic B2: Scaling up

Supplying the cell

Learning outcomes

B2.1a explain how substances are transported into and out of cells through diffusion, osmosis and active transport

B2.1b describe the process of mitosis in growth, including the cell cycle

B2.1c explain the importance of cell differentiation

B2.1d recall that stem cells are present in embryonic and adult animals, and meristems in plants

B2.1e describe the functions of stem cells in embryonic and adult animals, and meristems in plants

B2.1f describe the difference between embryonic and adult stem cells in animals

To include:

B2.1b the stages of the cell cycle as cell growth, DNA replication, more cell growth, movement of chromosomes

The challenges of size

Learning outcomes

B2.2a explain the need for exchange surfaces and a transport system in multicellular organisms in terms of surface area:volume ratio

B2.2b describe some of the substances transported into and out of a range of organisms in terms of the requirements of those organisms

B2.2c describe the human circulatory system

B2.2d explain how the structure of the heart and the blood vessels are adapted to their functions

B2.2e explain how red blood cells and plasma are adapted to their transport functions in the blood

B2.2f explain how water and mineral ions are taken up by plants, relating the structure of the root hair cells to their function

B2.2g describe the processes of transpiration and translocation

B2.2h explain how the structure of the xylem and phloem are adapted to their functions in the plant

B2.2i explain the effect of a variety of environmental factors on the rate of water uptake by a plant

B2.2j describe how a simple potometer can be used to investigate factors that affect the rate of water uptake

To include:

B2.2a calculation of surface area, volume and surface area : volume ratio, and reference to diffusion distances

B2.2b oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, dissolved food molecules, mineral ions and urea

B2.2c to include the relationship with the gaseous exchange system, the need for a double circulatory system in mammals and the arrangement of vessels

B2.2d the structure of the mammalian heart with reference to the cardiac muscle, the names of the valves, chambers, and blood vessels into and out of the heart, the structure of the blood vessels with reference to thickness of walls, diameter of lumen, presence of valves

B2.2g the structure and function of the stomata

B2.2i light intensity, air movement, and temperature

B2.2j calculation of rate and percentage gain/ loss of mass

Topic B3: Organism level systems

Coordination and control – the nervous system

Learning outcomes

B3.1a describe the structure of the nervous system

B3.1b explain how the components of the nervous system can produce a coordinated response

B3.1c explain how the structure of a reflex arc is related to its function

To include:

B3.1a Central Nervous System, sensory, motor and relay neurones, sensory receptors, synapse and effectors, details of the structure of sensory and motor neurones required 

B3.1b it goes to all parts of the body, has many links, has different sensory receptors and is able to coordinate responses

Coordination and control – the endocrine system

Learning outcomes

B3.2a describe the principles of hormonal coordination and control by the human endocrine system

B3.2b explain the roles of thyroxine and adrenaline in the body

B3.2c describe the role of hormones in human reproduction including the control of the menstrual cycle

B3.2d explain the interactions of FSH, LH, oestrogen and progesterone in the control of the menstrual cycle

B3.2e explain the use of hormones in contraception and evaluate hormonal and non-hormonal methods of contraception

B3.2f explain the use of hormones in modern reproductive technologies to treat infertility

To include:

B3.2a use of chemical messengers, transport in blood, endocrine glands and receptors

B3.2b thyroxine as an example of a negative feedback system

B3.2c oestrogen, progesterone, FSH and testosterone

B3.2e the relative effectiveness of the different forms of contraception

Maintaining internal environments

Learning outcomes

B3.3a explain the importance of maintaining a constant internal environment in response to internal and external change

B3.3b explain how insulin controls blood sugar levels in the body

B3.3c explain how glucagon interacts with insulin to control blood sugar levels in the body

B3.3d compare type 1 and type 2 diabetes and explain how they can be treated


To include:

B3.3a allowing metabolic reactions to proceed at appropriate rates

Topic B4: Community level systems


Learning outcomes

B4.1a recall that many different materials cycle through the abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem

B4.1b explain the role of microorganisms in the cycling of materials through an ecosystem 

B4.1c explain the importance of the carbon cycle and the water cycle to living organisms 

B4.1d describe different levels of organisation in an ecosystem from individual organisms to the whole ecosystem

B4.1e explain how abiotic and biotic factors can affect communities

B4.1f describe the importance of interdependence and competition in a community

To include:

B4.1a examples of cycled materials e.g. nitrogen and carbon

B4.1b the role of microorganisms in decomposition

B4.1c maintaining habitats, fresh water flow of nutrients and the stages of the carbon and water cycles

B4.1e temperature, light intensity, moisture level, pH of soil, predators, food  

B4.1f interdependence relating to predation, mutualism and parasitism

Topic B5: Genes, inheritance and selection


Learning outcomes

B5.1 a explain the following terms: gamete, chromosome, gene, allele/variant, dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, genotype and phenotype

B5.1b describe the genome as the entire genetic material of an organism

B5.1c describe that the genome, and its interaction with the environment, influence the development of the phenotype of an organism

B5.1d recall that all variants arise from mutations, and that most have no effect on the phenotype, some influence phenotype and a very few determine phenotype

B5.1e explain the terms haploid and diploid

B5.1f explain the role of meiotic cell division in halving the chromosome number to form gametes

B5.1g explain single gene inheritance

B5.1h predict the results of single gene crosses

B5.1i describe sex determination in humans using a genetic cross

B5.1j recall that most phenotypic features are the result of multiple genes rather than single gene inheritance

To include:

B5.1c use of examples of discontinuous (e.g. eye colour) and continuous variation (e.g. weight and height)

B5.1f that this maintains diploid cells when gametes combine and is a source of genetic variation

B5.1g in the context of homozygous and heterozygous crosses involving dominant and recessive genes

B5.1h  the use of Punnett squares

B5.1i the use of Punnett squares

Natural selection and evolution

Learning outcomes

B5.2a state that there is usually extensive genetic variation within a population of a species

B5.2b describe the impact of developments in biology on classification systems

B5.2c explain how evolution occurs through the natural selection of variants that have given rise to phenotypes best suited to their environment

B5.2d describe evolution as a change in the inherited characteristics of a population over time, through a process of natural selection, which may result in the formation of new species

B5.2e describe the evidence for evolution

To include:

B5.2b natural and artificial classification systems and use of molecular phylogenetics based on DNA sequencing

B5.2c the concept of mutation

B5.2e  fossils and antibiotic resistance in bacteria

Topic B6: Global challenges

Monitoring and maintaining the environment

Learning outcomes

B6.1a explain how to carry out a field investigation into the distribution and abundance of organisms in a habitat and how to determine their numbers in a given area

B6.1b describe both positive and negative human interactions within ecosystems and explain their impact on biodiversity

B6.1c explain some of the benefits and challenges of maintaining local and global biodiversity

To include:

B6.1a sampling techniques (random and transects, capture-recapture), use of quadrats, pooters, nets, keys and scaling up methods 

B6.1b the conservation of individual species and selected habitats and threats from land use and hunting

B6.1c the difficulty in gaining agreements for and the monitoring of conservation schemes along with the benefits of ecotourism

Feeding the human race

Learning outcomes

B6.2a explain the impact of the selective breeding of food plants and domesticated animals

B6.2b describe genetic engineering as a process which involves modifying the genome of an organism to introduce desirable characteristics

B6.2c describe the main steps in the process of genetic engineering

B6.2d explain some of the possible benefits and risks of using gene technology in modern agriculture

To include:

B6.2c restriction enzymes, sticky ends, ligase, host bacteria and selection using antibiotic resistance markers, vectors e.g. plasmids

B6.2d to include practical and ethical considerations   

Monitoring and maintaining health

Learning outcomes

B6.3a describe the relationship between health and disease

B6.3b describe different types of diseases

B6.3c describe the interactions between different types of disease

B6.3d explain how communicable diseases (caused by viruses, bacteria, protists and fungi) are spread in animals and plants

B6.3e explain how the spread of communicable diseases may be reduced or prevented in animals and plants

B6.3f describe a minimum of one common human infection, one plant disease and sexually transmitted infections in humans including HIV/AIDS

B6.3g explain how white blood cells and platelets are adapted to their defence functions in the blood

B6.3h describe the non-specific defence systems of the human body against pathogens

B6.3i explain the role of the immune system of the human body in defence against disease

B6.3j explain the use of vaccines and medicines in the prevention and treatment of disease

B6.3k describe the processes of discovery and development of potential new medicines

B6.3l recall that many non-communicable human diseases are caused by the interaction of a number of factors

B6.3m evaluate some different treatments for cardiovascular disease

B6.3n analyse the effect of lifestyle factors on the incidence of non-communicable diseases at local, national and global levels

B6.3o describe cancer as the result of changes in cells that lead to uncontrolled growth and division

B6.3p discuss potential benefits and risks associated with the use of stem cells in medicine

B6.3q explain some of the possible benefits and risks of using gene technology in medicine

B6.3r discuss the potential importance for medicine of our increasing understanding of the human genome

To include:

B6.3b communicable and non-communicable diseases

B6.3c HIV and tuberculosis, and HPV and cervical cancer

B6.3d scientific quantities, number of pathogens, number of infected cases, estimating the number of cases

B6.3e detection of the antigen, DNA testing, visual identification of the disease

B6.3f human infections: one example of each of viral, fungal, bacterial plant diseases: viral tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), fungal Erysiphe graminis (barley powdery mildew), bacterial Agrobacterium tumefaciens (crown gall disease) 

B6.3j antibiotics, antivirals and antiseptics

B6.3k preclinical and clinical testing

B6.3i cardiovascular diseases, many forms of cancer, some lung (bronchitis) and liver (cirrhosis) diseases and diseases influenced by nutrition, including type 2 diabetes

B6.3m lifestyle, medical and surgical

B6.3n lifestyle factors to include exercise, diet, alcohol and smoking

B6.3j antibiotics, antivirals and antiseptics

B6.3p tissue transplantation and rejection

B6.3q practical and ethical considerations

 B6.3r the ideas of predicting the likelihood of diseases occurring and their treatment by drugs which are targeted to genomes

Topic C1: Particles

The particle model

Learning outcomes

C1.1a describe the main features of the particle model in terms of states of matter and change of state 

C1.1b explain in terms of the particle model the distinction between physical changes and chemical changes 

C1.1c explain the limitations of the particle model in relation to changes of state when particles are represented by inelastic spheres (e.g. like bowling balls)

To include:

C1.1c that it does not take into account the forces of attraction between particles, the size of particles and the space between them

Atomic structure

Learning outcomes

C1.2a describe how and why the atomic model has changed over time 

C1.2b describe the atom as a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons, with the nuclear radius much smaller than that of the atom and with most of the mass in the nucleus 

C1.2c recall the typical size (order of magnitude) of atoms and small molecules 

C1.2d recall relative charges and approximate relative masses of protons, neutrons and electrons 

C1.2e calculate numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions, given atomic number and mass number of isotopes

To include:

C1.2a the models of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr, Geiger and Marsden

C1.2c the concept that typical atomic radii and bond length are in the order of 10 -10m

C1.2d definitions of an ion, atomic number, mass number and an isotope, also the standard notation to represent these

Topic C2: Elements, compounds and mixtures

Purity and separating mixtures

Learning outcomes

C2.1a explain what is meant by the purity of a substance, distinguishing between the scientific and everyday use of the term ‘pure’ 

C2.1b use melting point data to distinguish pure from impure substances 

C2.1c calculate relative formula masses of species separately and in a balanced chemical equation

C2.1d deduce the empirical formula of a compound from the relative numbers of atoms present or from a model or diagram and vice versa  

C2.1e explain that many useful materials are formulations of mixtures

C2.1f describe, explain and exemplify the processes of filtration, crystallisation, simple distillation, and fractional distillation  

C2.1g describe the techniques of paper and thin layer chromatography

C2.1h recall that chromatography involves a stationary and a mobile phase and that separation depends on the distribution between the phases 

C2.1i interpret chromatograms, including measuring Rf values 

C2.1j suggest suitable purification techniques given information about the substances involved

C2.1k suggest chromatographic methods for distinguishing pure from impure substances 

To include:


C2.1c the definition of relative atomic mass, relative molecular mass and relative formula mass

C2.1e alloys

C2.1f knowledge of the techniques of filtration, crystallisation, simple distillation and fractional distillation

C2.1g using aqueous and non-aqueous solvents and locating agents

C2.1h identification of the mobile and stationary phases

C2.1i the recall and the use of the formula

C2.1k paper, thin layer (TLC) and gas chromatography 


Learning outcomes

C2.2a describe metals and non-metals and explain the differences between them on the basis of their characteristic physical and chemical properties

C2.2b explain how the atomic structure of metals and non-metals relates to their position in the Periodic Table 

C2.2c explain how the position of an element in the Periodic Table is related to the arrangement of electrons in its atoms and hence to its atomic number 

C2.2d describe and compare the nature and arrangement of chemical bonds in:  

i. ionic compounds 

 ii. simple molecules

iii. giant covalent structures 

 iv. polymers 

 v. metals

C2.2e explain chemical bonding in terms of electrostatic forces and the transfer or sharing of electrons 

C2.2f construct dot and cross diagrams for simple covalent and binary ionic substances 

C2.2g describe the limitations of particular representations and models 

C2.2h explain how the reactions of elements are related to the arrangement of electrons in their atoms and hence to their atomic number 

C2.2i explain in terms of atomic number how Mendeleev’s arrangement was refined into the modern Periodic Table 

To include:

C2.2a physical properties, formation of ions and common reactions e.g. with oxygen to form oxides 

C2.2c group number and period number

C2.2g dot and cross diagrams, ball and stick models and two- and three dimensional representations


Properties of materials

Learning outcomes

C2.3a recall that carbon can form four covalent bonds 

C2.3b explain that the vast array of natural and synthetic organic compounds occur due to the ability of carbon to form families of similar compounds, chains and rings 

C2.3c explain the properties of diamond, graphite, fullerenes and graphene in terms of their structures and bonding

C2.3d use ideas about energy transfers and the relative strength of chemical bonds and intermolecular forces to explain the different temperatures at which changes of state occur 

C2.3e use data to predict states of substances under given conditions 

C2.3f explain how the bulk properties of materials (ionic compounds; simple molecules; giant covalent structures; polymers and metals) are related to the different types of bonds they contain, their bond strengths in relation to intermolecular forces and the ways in which their bonds are arranged 

To include:

C2.3f recognition that the atoms themselves do not have the bulk properties of these materials

C2.3e data such as temperature and how this may be linked to changes of state

Topic C3: Chemical reactions

Introducing chemical reactions

Learning outcomes

C3.1a use chemical symbols to write the formulae of elements and simple covalent and ionic compounds 

C3.1b use the names and symbols of common elements and compounds and the principle of conservation of mass to write formulae and balanced chemical equations and half equations

C3.1c use the names and symbols of common elements from a supplied Periodic Table to write formulae and balanced chemical equations where appropriate

C3.1d use the formula of common ions to deduce the formula of a compound 

C3.1e construct balanced ionic equations

C3.1f describe the physical states of products and reactants using state symbols (s, l, g and aq) 

C3.1g describe tests to identify selected gases 

C3.1h recall and use the definitions of the Avogadro constant (in standard form) and of the mole

C3.1i explain how the mass of a given substance is related to the amount of that substance in moles
and vice versa

C3.1j explain how the mass of a solute and the volume of the solution is related to the concentration of the solution

C3.1k recall and use the law of conservation of mass 

C3.1l explain any observed changes in mass in nonenclosed systems during a chemical reaction and
explain them using the particle model 

C3.1m deduce the stoichiometry of an equation from the masses of reactants and products and explain the effect of a limiting quantity of a reactant

C3.1n use a balanced equation to calculate masses of reactants or products

To include:

C3.1c the first 20 elements, Groups 1, 7, and 0 and other common elements included within the specification

 C3.1g oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and chlorine

C3.1h the calculation of the mass of one atom/molecule In recognition of IUPAC’s review, we will accept both the classical (carbon-12 based) and revised (Avogadro constant based) definitions of the mole in examinations from June 2018 onwards (see https://iupac.org/ new-definition-mole-arrived/)


Learning outcomes

C3.2a distinguish between endothermic and exothermic reactions on the basis of the temperature change of the surroundings

C3.2b draw and label a reaction profile for an exothermic and an endothermic reaction 

C3.2c explain activation energy as the energy needed for a reaction to occur

C3.2d calculate energy changes in a chemical reaction by considering bond making and bond breaking energies

To include:

C3.2b activation energy, energy change, reactants and products

Types of chemical reactions

Learning outcomes

C3.3a explain reduction and oxidation in terms of loss or gain of oxygen, identifying which species are oxidised and which are reduced 

C3.3b explain reduction and oxidation in terms of gain or loss of electrons, identifying which species are oxidised and which are reduced

C3.3c recall that acids form hydrogen ions when they dissolve in water and solutions of alkalis contain hydroxide ions 

C3.3d describe neutralisation as acid reacting with alkali or a base to form a salt plus water

C3.3e recognise that aqueous neutralisation reactions can be generalised to hydrogen ions reacting with hydroxide ions to form water 

C3.3f recall that carbonates and some metals react with acids and write balanced equations predicting products from given reactants 

C3.3g use and explain the terms dilute and concentrated (amount of substance) and weak and strong (degree of ionisation) in relation to acids 

C3.3h recall that relative acidity and alkalinity are measured by pH 

C3.3i describe neutrality and relative acidity and alkalinity in terms of the effect of the concentration of hydrogen ions on the numerical value of pH (whole numbers only)

C3.3j recall that as hydrogen ion concentration increases by a factor of ten the pH value of a solution decreases by a factor of one

C3.3k describe techniques and apparatus used to measure pH

To include:

C3.3g ratio of amount of acid to volume of solution

C3.3i pH of titration curves

C3.3k the use of universal indicator and pH meters


Learning outcomes

C3.4a recall that metals (or hydrogen) are formed at the cathode and non-metals are formed at the anode in electrolysis using inert electrodes 

C3.4b predict the products of electrolysis of binary ionic compounds in the molten state 

C3.4c describe competing reactions in the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of ionic compounds in terms of the different species present 

C3.4d describe electrolysis in terms of the ions present and reactions at the electrodes 

C3.4e describe the technique of electrolysis using inert and non-inert electrodes

To include:

C3.4a the terms cations and anions

C3.4b compounds such as NaCl

C3.4c the electrolysis of aqueous NaCl and CuSO4 using inert electrodes

C3.4d the equations and half equations of the reactions at the electrodes

Topic C4: Predicting and identifying chemical products

Predicting chemical reactions

Learning outcomes

C4.1a recall the simple properties of Groups 1, 7 and 0 

C4.1b explain how observed simple properties of Groups 1, 7 and 0 depend on the outer shell of electrons of the atoms and predict properties from given trends down the groups

C4.1c predict possible reactions and probable reactivity of elements from their positions in the Periodic Table 

C4.1d explain how the reactivity of metals with water or dilute acids is related to the tendency of the metal to form its positive ion

C4.1e deduce an order of reactivity of metals based on experimental results 


To include:

C4.1a physical and chemical properties

C4.1b ease of electron gain or loss; physical and chemical properties

Topic C5: Monitoring and controlling chemical reactions

Controlling reactions

Learning outcomes

C5.1a suggest practical methods for determining the rate of a given reaction

C5.1b interpret rate of reaction graphs 

C5.1c describe the effect of changes in temperature, concentration, pressure, and surface area on rate of reaction 

C5.1d explain the effects on rates of reaction of changes in temperature, concentration and pressure in terms of frequency and energy of collision between particles 

C5.1e explain the effects on rates of reaction of changes in the size of the pieces of a reacting solid in terms of surface area to volume ratio 

C5.1f describe the characteristics of catalysts and their effect on rates of reaction 

C5.1g identify catalysts in reactions 

C5.1h explain catalytic action in terms of activation energy

C5.1i recall that enzymes act as catalysts in biological systems 

To include:

C5.1b 1/t is proportional to rate and gradients of graphs (not order of reaction)

C5.1h reaction profiles


Learning outcomes

C5.2a recall that some reactions may be reversed by altering the reaction conditions 

C5.2b recall that dynamic equilibrium occurs in a closed system when the rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal 

C5.2c predict the effect of changing reaction conditions on equilibrium position and suggest appropriate conditions to produce as much of a particular product as possible

To include:

C5.2c Le Chatelier’s principle concerning concentration, temperature and pressure

Topic C6: Global challenges

Improving processes and products

Learning outcomes

C6.1a explain, using the position of carbon in the reactivity series, the principles of industrial processes used to extract metals, including extraction of a non-ferrous metal 

C6.1b explain why and how electrolysis is used to extract some metals from their ores 

C6.1c evaluate alternative biological methods of metal extraction

C6.1d describe the basic principles in carrying out a life-cycle assessment of a material or product 

C6.1e interpret data from a life-cycle assessment of a material or product 

C6.1f describe a process where a material or product is recycled for a different use, and explain why this is viable 

C6.1g evaluate factors that affect decisions on recycling  

C6.1h describe the separation of crude oil by fractional distillation

C6.1i explain the separation of crude oil by fractional distillation 

C6.1j describe the fractions as largely a mixture of compounds of formula CnH2n+2 which are members of the alkane homologous series

C6.1k recall that crude oil is a main source of hydrocarbons and is a feedstock for the petrochemical industry

C6.1l explain how modern life is crucially dependent upon hydrocarbons and recognise that crude oil is a finite resource 

C6.1m describe the production of materials that are more useful by cracking 


To include:

C6.1a the principles of using carbon to extract iron and other metals from their ores

C6.1c bacterial and phytoextraction

C6.1d the use of resources and impact on the environment of all stages of a life-cycle assessment: 

• making materials for a product from raw materials through to the process used to make the product 

• the use of the product 

• transport of the product 

• the method used for its disposal at the end of its life

C6.1h the name of the fractions

C6.1i molecular size and intermolecular forces

C6.1m conditions and reasons for cracking and some of the useful materials produced

Interpreting and interacting with earth systems

Learning outcomes

C6.2a interpret evidence for how it is thought the atmosphere was originally formed 

C6.2b describe how it is thought an oxygen-rich atmosphere developed over time 

C6.2c describe the greenhouse effect in terms of the interaction of radiation with matter within the atmosphere 

C6.2d evaluate the evidence for additional anthropogenic (human activity) causes of climate change and describe the uncertainties in the evidence base 

C6.2e describe the potential effects of increased levels of carbon dioxide and methane on the Earth’s climate and how these effects may be mitigated 

C6.2f describe the major sources of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and particulates in the atmosphere and explain the problems caused by increased amounts of these substances 

C6.2g describe the principal methods for increasing the availability of potable water in terms of the separation techniques used 

To include:

C6.2a knowledge of how the composition of the atmosphere has changed over time

C6.2b the correlation between change in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and the consumption of fossil fuels

C6.2d the correlation between change in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and the consumption of fossil fuels

C6.2e consideration of scale, risk and environmental implications

C6.2g ease of treatment of waste, ground and salt water

Topic P1: Matter

The particle model

Learning outcomes

P1.1a describe how and why the atomic model has changed over time

P1.1b describe the atom as a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons, with the nuclear radius much smaller than that of the atom and with almost all of the mass in the nucleus 

P1.1c recall the typical size (order of magnitude) of atoms and small molecules

P1.1d define density

P1.1e explain the differences in density between the different states of matter in terms of the arrangements of the atoms and molecules

P1.1f apply the relationship between density, mass and volume to changes where mass is conserved

To include:

P1.1a the Thomson, Rutherford (alongside Geiger and Marsden) and Bohr models

P1.1c knowledge that it is typically 1 × 1010 m

Changes of state

Learning outcomes

P1.2a describe how mass is conserved when substances melt, freeze, evaporate, condense or sublimate 

P1.2b describe that physical changes differ from chemical changes because the material recovers its original properties if the change is reversed

P1.2c describe how heating a system will change the energy stored within the system and raise its temperature or produce changes of state

P1.2d define the term specific heat capacity and distinguish between it and the term specific latent heat

P1.2e apply the relationship between change in internal energy of a material and its mass, specific heat capacity and temperature change to calculate the energy change involved

P1.2f apply the relationship between specific latent heat and mass to calculate the energy change involved in a change of state

P1.2g explain how the motion of the molecules in a gas is related both to its temperature and its pressure 

P1.2h explain the relationship between the temperature of a gas and its pressure at constant volume (qualitative only) 

To include:

P1.2d specific latent heat of fusion and specific latent heat of vaporisation

P1.2g application to closed systems only

Topic P2: Forces


Learning outcomes

P2.1a describe how to measure distance and time in a range of scenarios

P2.1b describe how to measure distance and time and use these to calculate speed

P2.1c make calculations using ratios and proportional reasoning to convert units and to compute rates

P2.1d explain the vector-scalar distinction as it applies to displacement and distance, velocity and speed 

P2.1e relate changes and differences in motion to appropriate distance-time, and velocity-time graphs; interpret lines and slopes

P2.1f Interpret enclosed areas in velocity-time graphs 

P2.1g calculate average speed for non-uniform motion

P2.1h apply formulae relating distance, time and speed, for uniform motion, and for motion with uniform acceleration

To include:

P2.1b from graphs

P2.1c conversion from non-SI to SI units

Newton’s laws

Learning outcomes

P2.2a recall examples of ways in which objects interact

P2.2b describe how such examples involve interactions between pairs of objects which produce a force on each object 

P2.2c represent forces as vectors 

P2.2d apply Newton’s First Law to explain the motion of an object moving with uniform velocity and also an object where the speed and/or direction change

P2.2e use vector diagrams to illustrate resolution of forces, a net force (resultant force), and equilibrium situations

P2.2f describe examples of the forces acting on an isolated solid object or system

P2.2g describe, using free body diagrams, examples where two or more forces lead to a resultant force on an object

P2.2h describe using free body force diagrams the special case of balanced forces when the resultant force is zero (qualitative only)

P2.2i apply Newton’s Second Law in calculations relating forces, masses and accelerations  

P2.2j explain that inertia is a measure of how difficult it is to change the velocity of an object and that the inertial mass is defined as the ratio of force over acceleration

P2.2k define momentum and describe examples of momentum in collisions 

P2.2l use the relationship between work done, force, and distance moved along the line of action of the force and describe the energy transfer involved 

P2.2m calculate relevant values of stored energy and energy transfers; convert between newton-metres and joules

P2.2n explain, with reference to examples, the definition of power as the rate at which energy is transferred

P2.2o recall and apply Newton’s Third Law

P2.2p explain why an object moving in a circle with a constant speed has a changing velocity (qualitative only)

To include:

P2.2a electrostatics, gravity, magnetism and by contact (including normal contact force and friction)

P2.2c drawing free body force diagrams to demonstrate understanding of forces acting as vectors

P2.2d looking at forces on one body and resultant forces and their effects (qualitative only)

P2.2e scale drawings limited to parallel and perpendicular vectors only

P2.2f examples of objects that reach terminal velocity for example skydivers and applying similar ideas to vehicles

P2.2k an idea of the law of conservation of momentum in collisions

P2.2o situations of equilibrium and non-equilibrium

Forces in action

Learning outcomes

P2.3a explain, that to stretch, bend or compress an object, more than one force has to be applied 

P2.3b describe the difference between elastic and plastic deformation (distortions) caused by stretching forces

P2.3c describe the relationship between force and extension for a spring and other simple systems 

P2.3d describe the difference between linear and non-linear relationships between force and extension 

P2.3e calculate a spring constant in linear cases 

P2.3f calculate the work done in stretching 

P2.3g describe that all matter has a gravitational field that causes attraction, and the field strength is much greater for massive objects 

P2.3h define weight, describe how it is measured and describe the relationship between the weight of an object and the gravitational field strength, g

P2.3i recall the acceleration in free fall

To include:

P2.3a applications to real life situations

P2.3b graphical representation of the extension of a spring

P2.3h knowledge that the gravitational field strength is known as g and has a value of 10 N/kg at the Earth’s surface

Topic P3: Electricity and magnetism

Static and charge

Learning outcomes

P3.1a describe that charge is a property of all matter and that there are positive and negative charges. 

P3.1b describe the production of static electricity, and sparking, by rubbing surfaces, and evidence that charged objects exert forces of attraction or repulsion on one another when not in contact

P3.1c explain how transfer of electrons between objects can explain the phenomena of static electricity

P3.1d recall that current is a rate of flow of charge (electrons) and the conditions needed for charge to flow

P3.1e recall that current has the same value at any point in a single closed loop

P3.1f recall and use the relationship between quantity of charge, current and time


To include:

P3.1a the understanding that in most bodies there are an equal number of positive and negative charges resulting in the body having zero net charge.

P3.1b the understanding that static charge only builds up on insulators

P3.1d conditions for charge to flow: source of potential difference in a closed circuit

Simple circuits

Learning outcomes

P3.2a describe the differences between series and parallel circuits

P3.2b represent d.c. circuits with the conventions of positive and negative terminals, and the symbols that represent common circuit elements

P3.2c recall that current (I) depends on both resistance (R) and potential difference (V) and the units in which these are measured 

P3.2d recall and apply the relationship between I, R and V and that for some resistors the value of R
remains constant but that in others it can change as the current changes

P3.2e explain that for some resistors the value of R remains constant but that in others it can change as the current changes 

P3.2f explain the design and use of circuits to explore such effects

P3.2g use graphs to explore whether circuit elements are linear or non-linear

P3.2h use graphs and relate the curves produced to the function and properties of circuit elements

P3.2i explain, why, if two resistors are in series the net resistance is increased, whereas with two in parallel the net resistance is decreased (qualitative explanation only)

P3.2j calculate the currents, potential differences and resistances in d.c. series and parallel circuits 

P3.2k explain the design and use of d.c. circuits for measurement and testing purposes

P3.2l explain how the power transfer in any circuit device is related to the potential difference across it and the current, and to the energy changes over a given time 

P3.2m apply the equations relating potential difference, current, quantity of charge, resistance, power, energy, and time, and solve problems for circuits which include resistors in series, using the concept of equivalent resistance

To include:

P3.2a positioning of measuring instruments in circuits and descriptions of the behaviour of energy, current and potential difference

P3.2b cells, power supply, diodes, LDRs, NTC thermistors, filament lamps, ammeter, voltmeter, fixed and variable resistors and switch

P3.2c the definition of potential difference

P3.2f components such as wire of varying resistance, filament lamps, diodes, NTC thermistors and LDRs 

P3.2h components such as wire of varying resistance, filament lamps, diodes, NTC thermistors and LDRs

P3.2j components such as wire of varying resistance, filament lamps, diodes, NTC thermistors and LDRs

Magnets and magnetic fields

Learning outcomes

P3.3a describe the attraction and repulsion between unlike and like poles for permanent magnets

P3.3b describe the difference between permanent and induced magnets 

P3.3c describe the characteristics of the magnetic field of a magnet, showing how strength and direction, change from one point to another 

P3.3d explain how the behaviour of a magnetic (dipping) compass is related to evidence that the core of the Earth must be magnetic

P3.3e describe how to show that a current can create a magnetic effect and describe the directions of the magnetic field around a conducting wire

P3.3f recall that the strength of the field depends on the current and the distance from the conductor

P3.3g explain how solenoid arrangements can enhance the magnetic effect

P3.3h describe how a magnet and a current-carrying conductor exert a force on one another

P3.3i show that Fleming’s left-hand rule represents the relative orientations of the force, the current and the magnetic field

P3.3j apply the equation that links the force on a conductor to the magnetic flux density, the current and the length of conductor to calculate the forces involved

To include:

P3.3a diagrams of magnetic field patterns around bar magnets to show attraction and repulsion

P3.3c diagrams to show attraction and repulsion and also depict how the strength of the field varies around them and ways of investigating this

P3.3k an understanding of how electric motors work but knowledge of the structure of a motor is not expected

Topic P4: Waves and radioactivity

Wave behaviour

Learning outcomes

P4.1a describe wave motion in terms of amplitude, wavelength, frequency and period

P4.1b define wavelength and frequency

P4.1c describe and apply the relationship between wavelength, frequency and wave velocity

P4.1d apply formulae relating velocity, frequency and wavelength

P4.1e describe differences between transverse and longitudinal waves

P4.1f describe how ripples on water surfaces are used to model transverse waves whilst sound waves in air are longitudinal waves, and how the speed of each may be measured 

P4.1g describe evidence for the cases of ripples on water surfaces and for sound waves in air that it is the wave that travels and not the water or the air

To include:

P4.1e direction of travel and direction of vibration

The electromagnetic spectrum

Learning outcomes

P4.2a recall that electromagnetic waves are transverse and are transmitted through space where they all have the same velocity 

P4.2b explain that electromagnetic waves transfer energy from source to absorber 

P4.2c apply the relationships between frequency and wavelength across the electromagnetic spectrum

P4.2d describe the main groupings of the electromagnetic spectrum and that these groupings range from long to short wavelengths and from low to high frequencies

P4.2e describe that our eyes can only detect a limited range of the electromagnetic spectrum

P4.2f recall that light is an electromagnetic wave 

P4.2g give examples of some practical uses of electromagnetic waves in the radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma ray regions

P4.2h describe how ultraviolet waves, X-rays and gamma rays can have hazardous effects, notably on human bodily tissues

P4.2i recall that radio waves can be produced by, or can themselves induce, oscillations in electrical circuits

P4.2j recall that different substances may absorb, transmit, refract, or reflect electromagnetic waves in ways that vary with wavelength

P4.2k explain how some effects are related to differences in the velocity of electromagnetic waves in different substances

To include:

P4.2b examples from a range of electromagnetic waves

P4.2d radio, microwave, infrared, visible (red to violet), ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays


Learning outcomes

P4.3a recall that atomic nuclei are composed of both protons and neutrons, that the nucleus of each element has a characteristic positive charge

P4.3b recall that atoms of the same elements can differ in nuclear mass by having different numbers of neutrons

P4.3c use the conventional representation for nuclei to relate the differences between isotopes 

P4.3d recall that some nuclei are unstable and may emit alpha particles, beta particles, or neutrons, and electromagnetic radiation as gamma rays

P4.3e relate the emission of alpha particles, beta particles, gamma radiation and neutrons to possible changes in the mass or the charge of the nucleus, or both 

P4.3f use names and symbols of common nuclei and particles to write balanced equations that represent radioactive decay

P4.3g balance equations representing the emission of alpha, beta or gamma radiations in terms of the masses, and charges of the atoms involved 

P4.3h recall that in each atom its electrons are arranged at different distances from the nucleus, that such arrangements may change with absorption or emission of electromagnetic radiation and that atoms can become ions by loss of outer electrons 

P4.3i recall that changes in atoms and nuclei can also generate and absorb radiations over a wide frequency range 

P4.3j explain the concept of half-life and how this is related to the random nature of radioactive decay

P4.3k calculate the net decline, expressed as a ratio, during radioactive emission after a given (integral) number of half-lives

P4.3l recall the differences in the penetration properties of alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays

P4.3m recall the differences between contamination and irradiation effects and compare the hazards associated with these two 

To include:

P4.3c identities, charges and masses

P4.3h knowledge that inner electrons can be ‘excited’ when they absorb energy from radiation and rise to a higher energy level. When this energy is lost by the electron it is emitted as radiation. When outer electrons are lost this is called ionisation

P4.3i an understanding that these types of radiation may be from any part of the electromagnetic spectrum which includes gamma rays 

P4.3k half-life graphs

Topic P5: Energy

Work done

Learning outcomes

P5.1a describe for situations where there are energy transfers in a system, that there is no net change to the total energy of a closed system (qualitative only)

P5.1b describe all the changes involved in the way energy is stored when a system changes for common situations

P5.1c describe the changes in energy involved when a system is changed by heating (in terms of temperature change and specific heat capacity), by work done by forces, and by work done when a current flows

P5.1d make calculations of the energy changes associated with changes in a system, recalling or selecting the relevant equations for mechanical, electrical, and thermal processes; thereby express in quantitative form and on a common scale the overall redistribution of energy in the system

P5.1e calculate the amounts of energy associated with a moving body, a stretched spring and an object raised above ground level

To include:

P5.1d work done by forces, current flow, through heating and the use of kW h to measure energy use in electrical appliances in the home 

Power and efficiency

Learning outcomes

P5.2a describe, with examples, the process by which energy is dissipated, so that it is stored in less useful ways 

P5.2b describe how, in different domestic devices, energy is transferred from batteries or the a.c. from the mains 

P5.2c describe, with examples, the relationship between the power ratings for domestic electrical appliances and how this is linked to the changes in stored energy when they are in use 

P5.2d calculate energy efficiency for any energy transfer 

P5.2e describe ways to increase efficiency

P5.2f explain ways of reducing unwanted energy transfer

P5.2g describe how the rate of cooling is effected by the thickness and thermal conductivity of its walls (qualitative only)

To include:

P5.2b how energy may be wasted in the transfer to and within motors and heating devices

P5.2f through lubrication and thermal insulation

Topic P6: Global challenges

Physics on the move

Learning outcomes

P6.1a recall typical speeds encountered in everyday experience for wind and sound, and for walking, running, cycling and other transportation systems 

P6.1b estimate the magnitudes of everyday accelerations

P6.1c make calculations using ratios and proportional reasoning to convert units and to compute rates

P6.1d explain methods of measuring human reaction times and recall typical results 

P6.1e explain the factors which affect the distance required for road transport vehicles to come to rest in emergencies and the implications for safety

P6.1f explain the dangers caused by large decelerations 

To include:

P6.1c conversion from non-SI to SI units

P6.1e factors that affect thinking and braking distance and overall stopping distance

Powering Earth

Learning outcomes

P6.2a describe the main energy sources available for use on Earth, compare the ways in which they are used and distinguish between renewable and non-renewable sources  

P6.2b explain patterns and trends in the use of energy resources 

P6.2c recall that, in the national grid, electrical power is transferred at high voltages from power stations, and then transferred at lower voltages in each locality for domestic use

P6.2d recall that step-up and step-down transformers are used to change the potential difference as power is transferred from power stations 

P6.2e explain how the national grid is an efficient way to transfer energy 

P6.2f recall that the domestic supply in the UK is a.c.at 50 Hz and about 230 volts 

P6.2g explain the difference between direct and alternating voltage

P6.2h recall the differences in function between the live, neutral and earth mains wires, and the potential differences between these wires 

P6.2i explain that a live wire may be dangerous even when a switch in a mains circuit is open, and explain the dangers of providing any connection between the live wire and earth 


To include:

P6.2a fossil fuels, nuclear fuel, biofuel, wind, hydroelectricity, tides and the Sun

P6.2b the changing use of different resources over time

P6.2i the protection offered by insulation of devices

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