The topics listed below are for WJEC GCSE Combined Science (Double Award), with exam codes: – GCSE Qualification cash-in 3430QD To access code for each unit, you can access them here:


under TECHNICAL INFORMATION section. The list provides everything you need for your WJEC GCSE exam, with topics broken in to the headings given by the exam board. More information is available here

[https://www.wjec.co.uk/qualifications/science-double-gcse-award/#tab_overview] For samples questions and papers, please click this link :

[https://www.wjec.co.uk/qualifications/science-double-gcse-award/#tab_pastpapers] Everything you need to know about your GCSE (9-1) Combined Science (Double Award) specifications can be found here.


Cells and movement across cell membranes

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the structure of animal and plant cells, including drawing and labelling diagrams and the function of the following parts: cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, cell wall, chloroplast, vacuole 

(b) the use of a light microscope to view animal and plant cells 

(c) the differentiation of cells in multicellular organisms to become adapted for specific functions – specialised cells 

(d) the levels of organisation within organisms: tissues are groups of similar cells with a similar function and organs may comprise several tissues performing specific functions; organs are organised into organ systems, which work together to form organisms 

(e) diffusion as the movement of substances down a concentration gradient; the role of the cell membrane in diffusion; visking tubing as a model of living material; the results of Visking tubing experiments in terms of membrane pore and particle size 

(f) diffusion as a passive process, allowing only certain substances to pass through the cell membrane in this way, most importantly oxygen and carbon dioxide 

(g) osmosis as the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane from a region of high water (low solute) concentration to a region of low water (high solute) concentration 

(h) active transport as an active process whereby substances can enter cells against a concentration gradient 

(i) enzyme control of chemical reactions in cells; enzymes are proteins made by living cells, which speed up/catalyse the rate of chemical reactions 

(j) how different enzymes are composed of different amino acids linked to form a chain which is then folded into a specific shape 

(k) how the specific shape of the active site of an enzyme enables it to function, a simple understanding of ‘lock and key’ modelling and be able to interpret enzyme activity in terms of molecular collisions resulting in the formation of enzyme-substrate complexes 

(l) the effect of temperature and pH on enzyme activity including the effect of boiling which denatures most enzymes

Respiration and the respiratory system in humans

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) aerobic respiration as a process that occurs in cells when oxygen is available; respiration as a series of enzyme-controlled reactions within the cell, that use glucose and oxygen to release energy and produce carbon dioxide and water; energy is released in the form of ATP and be able to state the word equation to describe aerobic respiration

(b) anaerobic respiration as a process that occurs in the absence of oxygen; glucose being broken down to release energy and lactic acid; oxygen debt as a result of anaerobic respiration; anaerobic respiration as a less efficient process than aerobic respiration because of the incomplete breakdown of glucose; less ATP is produced per molecule of glucose in anaerobic respiration than in aerobic respiration and be able to state the word equation for anaerobic respiration in human cells

(c) the need for and purpose of the respiratory system and be able to label the following structures on a diagram of a vertical section of the human respiratory system: nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, lungs, diaphragm, ribs and intercostal muscles

(d) the function of mucus and cilia in the respiratory system 

(e) the mechanisms of inspiration and expiration, in terms of changes in thoracic volume and pressure brought about by movements of the diaphragm and rib cage; movement of air takes place due to differences in pressure between the lungs and outside the body 

(f) the use of a bell jar model to illustrate inspiration and expiration and the limitations of this model 

(g) the structure of an alveolus and its blood supply and be able to label the following structures on a diagram: end of bronchiole, wall of alveolus, moist lining of alveolus, wall of capillary, red blood cells and plasma 

(h) the percentage composition of inspired and expired air and the reasons for the differences; how gases diffuse between alveolar air and capillaries; the adaptations of alveoli for gas exchange; the use of lime water to indicate the presence of carbon dioxide 

(i) the effects of smoking on cilia and mucus in the respiratory system and the consequences for the individual; the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer and emphysema and the consequences of these conditions

Digestion and digestive system in humans

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the need for digestion; the breakdown of large molecules into smaller molecules so they can be absorbed for use by body cells 

(b) the digestion of larger insoluble molecules into their soluble products which can then be absorbed: fats made up of fatty acids and glycerol; proteins made up of amino acids; starch (a carbohydrate), made up of a chain of glucose molecules 

(c) the tests for the presence of: starch using iodine solution; glucose using Benedict’s reagent; protein using biuret solution 

(d) the role of the following enzymes in digestion: carbohydrase; protease; lipase 

(e) the structure of the human digestive system and associated structures: the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, bile duct, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, anus and be able to label these on a diagram 

(f) the role of the following organs in digestion and absorption: mouth, stomach, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, liver

(g) how food is moved by peristalsis 

(h) the function of bile, secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder, in the breakdown of fats 

(i) how soluble substances can be absorbed through the wall of the small intestine and eventually into the bloodstream and how Visking tubing can be used as a model gut, including the limitations of the model 

(j) the fate of the digested products of fats, carbohydrates and proteins: fatty acids and glycerol from fats provide energy; glucose from carbohydrate provides energy or is stored as glycogen; amino acids from digested proteins are needed to build proteins in the body 

(k) the need for a balanced diet, including: protein, carbohydrates and fats, minerals (iron),vitamins (vitamin C), fibre and water 

(l) the fact that different foods have different energy contents and that energy from food, when it is in excess, is stored as fat by the body 

(m) the implications, particularly for health, of the sugar, fat and salt in foods 

Circulatory system in humans

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the structure of a phagocyte and a red blood cell; be able to draw and label these cells (b) the functions of the four main parts of the blood: red cells, platelets, plasma, white cells 

(c) the fact that the heart is made of muscle which contracts to pump blood around the body 

(d) the role of the coronary vessels in supplying the heart muscle with blood 

(e) the flow of blood to the organs through arteries and return to the heart through veins 

(f) the structure of the heart: the left and right atria and ventricles, tricuspid and bicuspid valves, semi-lunar valves, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, aorta and vena cava and be able to label these on a diagram 

(g) the passage of blood through the heart including the functions of the valves in preventing backflow of blood 

(h) a double circulatory system: involving one system for the lungs – pulmonary and one for the other organs of the body – systemic 

(i) the fact that in the organs blood flows through very small blood vessels called capillaries; substances needed by cells pass/diffuse out of the blood to the tissues, and substances produced by the cells pass/diffuse into the blood, through the walls of the capillaries; the thin walls of the capillaries are an advantage for diffusion; capillaries form extensive networks so that every cell is near to a capillary carrying blood 

(j) risk factors for cardiovascular disease and the effects of cardiovascular disease

Plants and photosynthesis

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the importance of photosynthesis whereby green plants and other photosynthetic organisms use chlorophyll to absorb light energy and convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, producing oxygen as a by-product; and be able to state the word equation for photosynthesis 

(b) the conditions needed for photosynthesis to take place and the factors which affect its rate, including temperature, carbon dioxide and light intensity; these as limiting factors of photosynthesis 

(c) the practical techniques used to investigate photosynthesis: the use of sodium hydroxide to absorb carbon dioxide; how to test a leaf for the presence of starch; how oxygen and carbon dioxide sensors and data loggers could be used 

(d) the uses made by plant cells of the glucose produced in photosynthesis: respired to release energy; converted to starch for storage; used to make cellulose, proteins and oils 

Ecosystems and human impact on environment

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) food chains and food webs showing the transfer of energy between organisms and involving producers; first, second and third stage consumers; herbivores and carnivores; decomposers 

(b) the fact that at each stage in the food chain energy is used in repair and in the maintenance and growth of cells whilst energy is lost in waste materials and respiration (c) pyramids of numbers and biomass 

(d) how to calculate the efficiency of energy transfers between trophic levels and how this affects the number of organisms at each trophic level 

(e) the issues surrounding the need to balance the human requirements for food and economic development with the needs of wildlife 

(f) the advantages and disadvantages of intensive farming methods: using fertilisers, pesticides, disease control and battery methods to increase yields

(g) how indicator species and changes in pH and oxygen levels may be used as signs of pollution in a stream and how lichens can be used as indicators of air pollution 

(h) the fact that some heavy metals, present in industrial waste and pesticides, enter the food chain, accumulate in animal bodies and may reach a toxic level 

(i) the fact that untreated sewage and fertilisers may run into water and cause rapid growth of plants and algae, these then die and are decomposed, the microbes, which break them down, increase in number and use up the dissolved oxygen in the water and animals which live in the water may suffocate


The nature of substances and chemical reactions

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) elements as substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means and as the basic building blocks of all substances 

(b) elements as substances made up of only one type of atom 

(c) compounds as substances made of two or more different types of atom that are chemically joined and having completely different properties to its constituent elements 

(d) how to represent elements using chemical symbols and simple molecules using chemical formulae 

(e) how to represent simple molecules using a diagram and key 

(f) how to write the formulae of ionic compounds given the formulae of the ions they contain

(g) relative atomic mass and relative molecular (formula) mass 

(h) the percentage composition of compounds 

(i) atoms/molecules in mixtures not being chemically joined and mixtures being easily separated by physical processes such as filtration, evaporation, chromatography and distillation 

(j) chromatographic data analysis and Rf values 

(k) chemical reactions as a process of re-arrangement of the atoms present in the reactants to form one or more products, which have the same total number of each type of atom as the reactants 

(l) colour changes, temperature changes (exothermic/endothermic) and effervescence as evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place 

(m) how to represent chemical reactions using word equations 

(n) how to represent chemical reactions using balanced chemical equations where the total relative mass of reactants and products is equal 

(o) the percentage yield of a chemical reaction 

(p) how to calculate the formula of a compound from reacting mass data 

(q) how to calculate the masses of reactants or products from a balanced chemical equation 

(r) the Avogadro constant and the mole and how to convert amount of substance in grams to moles and vice versa

Atomic structure and the periodic table

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) atoms containing a positively charged nucleus with orbiting negatively charged electrons 

(b) atomic nuclei containing protons and neutrons 

(c) the relative masses and relative charges of protons, neutrons and electrons (d) atoms having no overall electrical charge 

(e) the terms atomic number, mass number and isotope (f) how the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons present in an atom are related to its atomic number and mass number 

(g) elements being arranged in order of increasing atomic number and in groups and periods in the modern Periodic Table, with elements having similar properties appearing in the same groups 

(h) metals being found to the left and centre of the Periodic Table and non-metals to the right, with elements having intermediate properties appearing between the metals and non-metals in each period 

(i) the electronic structures of the first 20 elements 

(j) how the electronic structure of any element is related to its position in the Periodic Table

(k) the similarities and trends in physical and chemical properties of elements in the same group as illustrated by Group 1 and Group 7 

(l) many reactions, including those of Group 1 elements and many of those of Group 7 elements, involve the loss or gain of electrons and the formation of charged ions 

(m) the trends in reactivity of Group 1 and Group 7 elements in terms of their readiness to lose or gain an electron

(n) the reactions of the alkali metals with air/oxygen, the halogens and water 

(o) the test used to identify hydrogen gas 

(p) the reactions of halogens with alkali metals and with iron 

(q) the relative reactivities of chlorine, bromine and iodine as demonstrated by displacement reactions (r) the properties and uses of chlorine and iodine

(s) the identification of Li+, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Ba2+ ions by flame tests and Cl‒ , Br‒ and I‒ ions by their reactions with silver nitrate solution (including ionic equations) 

(t) the unreactive nature of the Group 0 gases and the uses of helium, neon and argon


Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the composition of water in ‘natural’ water supplies, including dissolved gases, ions, microorganisms and pollutants 

(b) the need for a sustainable water supply to include reducing our water consumption, reducing the environmental impacts of abstracting, distributing and treating water 

(c) the treatment of the public water supply using sedimentation, filtration and chlorination 

(d) the arguments for and against the fluoridation of the water supply in order to prevent tooth decay 

(e) desalination of sea water to supply drinking water including the sustainability of this process on a large scale (f) the separation of water and other miscible liquids by distillation 

(g) simple methods to determine solubility and produce solubility curves 

(h) the interpretation of solubility curves 

(i) the causes of hardness in water and how to distinguish between hard and soft waters by their action with soap 

(j) the difference between temporary and permanent hardness

(k) the processes used to soften water to include boiling, adding sodium carbonate and ion exchange; the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of water softening and the explanation of how these methods work 

(l) the health benefits of hard water and its negative effects, e.g. on boiler elements

The ever-changing earth

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the large scale structure of the Earth in terms of solid iron core, molten iron outer core, mantle and crust 

(b) the theory of plate tectonics and how it developed from Alfred Wegener’s earlier theory of continental drift 

(c) the processes occurring at conservative, destructive and constructive plate boundaries where plates slide past one another, move towards one another and move apart respectively 

(d) the formation of the original atmosphere by gases, including carbon dioxide and water vapour, being expelled from volcanoes 

(e) the present composition of the atmosphere and how the composition of the atmosphere has changed over geological time 

(f) the roles of respiration, combustion and photosynthesis in the maintenance of the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 

(g) the environmental effects and consequences of the emission of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere through the combustion of fossil fuels 

(h) the measures used to address the problems of global warming and acid rain 

(i) the air as a source of nitrogen, oxygen, neon and argon 

(j) the tests used to identify oxygen gas and carbon dioxide gas

Rate of chemical change

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) practical methods used to determine the rate of reaction – gas collection, loss of mass and precipitation (including using data-logging apparatus) 

(b) the effect of changes in temperature, concentration (pressure) and surface area on rate of reaction 

(c) the particle theory in explaining changes of rate as a result of changes in temperature, concentration (pressure) and surface area 

(d) catalysts as substances that increase the rate of a reaction while remaining chemically unchanged and that they work by lowering the energy required for a collision to be successful (details of energy profiles are not required)


Electric Circuits

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the symbols of components (cell, switch, lamp, voltmeter, ammeter, resistor, variable resistor, fuse, LED, thermistor, LDR, diode) used in electrical circuits 

(b) series circuits in which the current is the same throughout a circuit and voltages add up to the supply voltage; parallel circuits in which the voltage is the same across each branch and the sum of the currents in each branch is equal to the current in the supply

(c) voltmeters and ammeters to measure the voltage across and current through electrical components in electrical circuits

(d) circuits to investigate how current changes with voltage for a component e.g. for a resistor (or wire) at constant temperature, a filament lamp and a diode 

(e) the significance of and the relationship between current, voltage and resistance, I = V / R 

(f) how adding components in series increases total resistance in a circuit; adding components in parallel decreases total resistance in a circuit 

(g) how to calculate total resistance and total current in a series circuit, a parallel circuit and circuits consisting of combinations of series and parallel connections; 

R = R1 + R2; 

1/R = 1/R1 +1/R2 

(h) power as energy transferred per unit time: E = Pt 

(i) the power transferred using: 

power = voltage × current   P = VI 

power = current² × resistance   P = I²R  

(j) explain the design and use of circuits to explore the variation of resistance –
including for lamps, diodes, ntc thermistors and LDRs

Generating Electricity

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy technologies (e.g. hydroelectric, wind power, wave power, tidal power, waste, crops, solar and wood) for generating electricity on a national scale using secondary information 

(b) the advantages and disadvantages of non-renewable energy technologies (fossil fuels and nuclear) for generating electricity 

(c) the processes involved in generating electricity in a fuel based power station 

(d) Sankey diagrams to show energy transfers; energy efficiency in terms of input energy and energy usefully transferred in a range of contexts including electrical power generation and transmission:

% efficiency = (energy [or power] usefully transferred x total energy [or power] supplied) / 100

(e) the need for the National Grid as an electricity distribution system including monitoring power use and responding to changing demand 

(f) advantages and disadvantages of using different voltages of electricity at different points in the National Grid to include transmission of electricity and use in the home, selecting and using the equation: 

power = voltage × current; P = VI 

(g)the use of step-up and step-down transformers used in the transmission of electricity from the power station to the user in qualitative terms (they should be treated as voltage changers without any reference to how they perform this function) 

(h) efficiency, reliability, carbon footprint and output to compare different types of power stations in the UK including those fuelled by fossil fuels, nuclear fuel and renewable sources of energy

Making use of energy

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) how temperature differences lead to the transfer of energy thermally by conduction, convection and radiation 

(b) the equation: density = mass / volume and explain the differences in density between the three states of matter in terms of the arrangements of the atoms or molecules

(c) conduction using a model of molecular motion and account for the better conduction in metals by the presence of mobile electrons

(d) convection in liquids and gases in terms of molecular behaviour and variations in volume and density

(e) how energy loss from houses can be restricted e.g. loft insulation, double glazing, cavity wall insulation and draught excluders 

 (f) the cost effectiveness and efficiency of different methods of reducing energy loss from the home, to compare their effectiveness; use data to compare the economics of domestic insulation techniques, including calculating the payback time; the economic and environmental issues surrounding controlling energy loss 

(g) how data can be obtained and used to investigate the cost of using a variety of energy sources for heating and transport

Domestic Electricity

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the kilowatt (kW) as a convenient unit of power in the domestic context and the kilowatt hour (kWh) as a unit of energy 

(b) the cost of electricity using the equations: units used (kWh) = power (kW) × time (h) cost = units used × cost per unit 

(c) how data can be obtained either directly or using secondary sources (e.g. through the energy banding (A-G) and the power ratings of domestic electrical appliances) to investigate the cost of using them 

(d) the difference between alternating current (a.c.) and direct current (d.c.) 

(e) the functions of fuses, miniature circuit breakers (mcb) and residual current circuit breakers (rccb) including calculations of appropriate fuse ratings 

(f) the ring main, including the functions of the live, neutral and earth wires

(g) the cost effectiveness of introducing domestic solar and wind energy equipment, including fuel cost savings and payback time by using data 

(h) how to investigate energy transfers in a range of contexts including interpreting and analysing data; evaluation of validity of the data and methods, e.g.

    • the energy output from a renewable source (e.g. wind turbine: construction and location) 

    • efficiency of energy transfer (e.g. using an electric kettle)

Features of waves

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves 

(b) the description of a wave in terms of amplitude, wavelength (λ), frequency (f) and wave speed (v) 

(c) the graphical representation of a transverse wave, including labelling the wavelength and amplitude 

(d) diagrams showing plane wave fronts being reflected or refracted, e.g. as shown by water waves in a ripple tank 

(e) refraction in terms of the speed of waves on either side of a refracting boundary and the effect on the wavelength of the waves 

(f) the term “radiation” to both electromagnetic waves and to energy given out by radioactive materials 

(g) the characteristics of radioactive emissions and short wavelength parts of the electromagnetic spectrum (ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma ray) as ionising radiation, able to interact with atoms and to damage cells by the energy they carry

(h) the difference between the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum [radio waves, microwaves, infra-red, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays] in terms of their wavelength and frequency and know that they all travel at the same speed in a vacuum 

(i) the fact that all regions of the electromagnetic spectrum transfer energy and certain regions are commonly used to transmit information 

(j) waves in terms of their wavelength, frequency, speed and amplitude 

(k) the equations: wave speed = wavelength × frequency; v = fλ and = distance speed time applied to the motion of waves, including electromagnetic waves

 (l) communication using satellites in geosynchronous/geostationary orbit

Biology 2

Cell Division and Stem Cells

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) chromosomes as linear arrangements of genes, found in pairs in body cells 

(b) the functions of cell division by mitosis and meiosis 

(c) the outcomes of mitotic and meiotic divisions and be able to compare these 

(d) the fact that if mitosis is uncontrolled, cancer can occur 

(e) stem cells: the cells in mature tissues have generally lost the ability to differentiate; some cells, in both plants and animals, do not lose this ability and these are called stem cells

(f) the potential of both adult and embryonic stem cells to replace damaged tissue

DNA and Inheritance

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the structure of DNA as two long chains of alternating sugar and phosphate molecules connected by bases; the chains are twisted to form a double helix; there are four types of base, A (adenine), T (thymine), C (cytosine) and G (guanine); the order of bases forms a code for making proteins; the code determines the order in which different amino acids are linked together to form different proteins

(b) complementary base pairing between A and T, C and G and the role of the triplet code during protein synthesis 

(c) the process of ‘genetic profiling’ which involves cutting the DNA into short pieces which are then separated into bands 

(d) how ‘genetic profiling’ can be used to show the similarity between two DNA samples, the pattern of the bands produced can be compared to show the similarity between two DNA samples, for instance in criminal cases, paternity cases and in comparisons between species for classification purposes 

(e) the benefits of DNA profiling, for example to identify the presence of certain genes which may be associated with a particular disease 

(f) genes as sections of DNA molecules that determine inherited characteristics and that genes have different forms, called alleles, which are in pairs

(g) the following terms: gamete, chromosome, gene, allele, dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, genotype, phenotype, F1, F2, selfing 

(h) single gene inheritance; be able to complete Punnett squares to show this; how to predict the outcomes of monohybrid crosses including ratios 

(i) the fact that most phenotypic features are the result of multiple genes rather than single gene inheritance 

(j) sex determination in humans: in human body cells, one of the pairs of chromosomes, XX or XY, carries the genes which determine sex, these separate and combine randomly at fertilisation 

(k) the artificial transfer of genes from one organism to another; the potential advantages, disadvantages and issues involved with this technology

Variation and Evolution

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the variation in individuals of the same species having environmental or genetic causes; variation being continuous or discontinuous 

(b) sexual reproduction leading to offspring being genetically different from the parents, unlike asexual reproduction where genetically identical offspring called clones are produced from a single parent; sexual reproduction therefore giving rise to variation 

(c) the facts that new genes result from changes, mutations, in existing genes; mutations occur at random; most mutations have no effect but some can be beneficial or harmful; mutation rates can be increased by ionising radiation 

(d) some mutations causing conditions which may be passed on in families, as is shown by the mechanism of inheritance of cystic fibrosis; the development and use of gene therapy in cystic fibrosis sufferers 

(e) heritable variation as the basis of evolution 

(f) how individuals with characteristics adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and breed successfully; the use and limitations of a model to illustrate the effect of camouflage colouring in predator and prey relationships 

(g) how the genes which have enabled these better adapted individuals to survive are then passed on to the next generation; natural selection as proposed by Alfred Russell Wallace and Charles Darwin; how the process of natural selection is sometimes too slow for organisms to adapt to new environmental conditions and so organisms may become extinct

(h) how evolution is ongoing as illustrated by antibiotic resistance in bacteria, pesticide resistance and warfarin resistance in rats 

(i) the potential importance for medicine of our increasing understanding of the human genome 

Response and Regulation

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) sense organs as groups of receptor cells which respond to specific stimuli: light, sound, touch, temperature, chemicals and then relay this information as electrical impulses along neurones to the central nervous system 

(b) the brain, spinal cord and nerves forming the nervous system; the central nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord 

(c) the properties of reflex actions: fast, automatic and some are protective, as exemplified by the withdrawal reflex, blinking and pupil size 

(d) the components of a reflex arc: stimulus, receptor, coordinator and effector; be able to label a diagram of a reflex arc to show: receptor, sensory neurone, relay neurone in spinal cord, motor neurone, effector and synapses 

(e) the reasons why animals need to regulate the conditions inside their bodies: to keep them relatively constant and protected from harmful effects – homeostasis 

(f) hormones as chemical messengers, carried by the blood, which control many body functions 

(g) the need to keep glucose levels within a constant range: so that when the blood glucose level rises, the pancreas releases the hormone insulin, a protein, into the blood, which causes the liver to reduce the glucose level by converting glucose to insoluble glycogen and then storing it

(h) diabetes as a common disease in which a person has a high blood glucose level; type 1 diabetes caused by the body not producing insulin; type 2 diabetes caused by the body cells not properly responding to the insulin that is produced; the causes of both types of diabetes; treatments for diabetes 

(i) the structure of a section through the skin: hair, erector muscle, sweat gland, sweat duct, sweat pore, blood vessels; be able to label these structures on a diagram 

(j) the role of the structures in the skin in temperature regulation: change in diameter of blood vessels, sweating, erection of hairs; shivering as a means of generating heat 

(k) the principles of negative feedback mechanisms to maintain optimum conditions inside the body as illustrated by the control of blood glucose levels by insulin and glucagon and by the control of body temperature 

(l) the fact that some conditions are affected by lifestyle choices; the effects that alcohol and drug abuse have on the chemical processes in people’s bodies; the incidence of diabetes (type 2) and the possible relationship with lifestyle

Disease, Defence and Treatment

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the harmless nature of most micro-organisms, many performing vital functions; some micro-organisms called pathogens, cause disease 

(b) the fact that pathogens include micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, protists and fungi; the basic structure of a bacterial cell and virus 

(c) the types of organisms which can cause communicable diseases: viruses, bacteria and fungi; the means by which they can be spread: by contact, aerosol, body fluids, water, insects, contaminated food 

(d) the means by which the body defends itself from disease: intact skin forming a barrier against micro-organisms; blood clots to seal wounds; phagocytes in the blood ingesting micro-organisms; lymphocytes producing antibodies and antitoxins 

(e) an antigen as a molecule that is recognised by the immune system; foreign antigens triggering a response by lymphocytes, which secrete antibodies specific to the antigens; the function of antibodies

(f) how vaccination can be used to protect humans from infectious disease; the factors influencing parents in decisions about whether to have children vaccinated or not 

(g) the fact that a vaccine contains antigens derived from a disease-causing organism; how a vaccine will protect against infection by that organism; how vaccines may be produced which protect against bacteria and viruses 

(h) how after an antigen has been encountered, memory cells remain in the body and antibodies are produced very quickly if the same antigen is encountered a second time; how this memory provides immunity following a natural infection and after vaccination; the highly specific nature of this response 

(i) the fact that antibiotics, including penicillin, were originally medicines produced by living organisms, such as fungi; how antibiotics help to cure bacterial disease by killing the infecting bacteria or preventing their growth but do not kill viruses 

(j) how some resistant bacteria, such as MRSA, can result from the over use of antibiotics; effective control measures for MRSA 

(k) how some conditions can be prevented by treatment with drugs or by other therapies 

(l) how new drug treatments may have side effects and that extensive, large scale, rigorous testing is required; the associated risks, benefits and ethical issues involved in the development of new drug treatments, including the use of animals for testing drugs and whether this is superceded by new technologies

Chemistry 2

Bonding, Structure and Properties

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the properties of metals, ionic compounds, simple molecular covalent substances and giant covalent substances 

(b) the ‘sea’ of electrons/lattice of positive ions structural model for metals in explaining their physical properties 

(c) electronic structure in explaining how ionic bonding takes place (and how this is represented using dot and cross diagrams) 

(d) the accepted structural model for giant ionic structures in explaining the physical properties of ionic compounds 

(e) electronic structure in explaining how covalent bonds are formed (and how this is represented using dot and cross diagrams) 

(f) the intermolecular bonding structural model for simple molecular structures in explaining the physical properties of simple molecular substances 

(g) the properties of diamond, graphite, fullerenes, carbon nano-tubes and graphene and how these are explained in terms of structure and bonding 

(h) individual atoms not having the same properties as bulk materials as demonstrated by diamond, graphite, fullerenes, carbon nano-tubes and graphene having different properties despite all containing only carbon atoms, and by nano-scale silver particles exhibiting properties not seen in bulk silver

(i) the properties and uses of nano-scale particles of silver and titanium dioxide 

(j) the possible risks associated with the use of nano-scale particles of silver and titanium dioxide, and of potential future developments in nanoscience 

(k) the properties and uses of smart materials including thermochromic pigments, photochromic pigments, polymer gels, shape memory alloys and shape memory polymers

Acids, Bases and Salts

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) substances as acidic, alkaline or neutral in terms of the pH scale, including acid/alkali strength 

(b) solutions of acids containing hydrogen ions and alkalis containing hydroxide ions 

(c) the reactions of dilute acids with metals and how these relate to the metals’ position in the reactivity series 

(d) the neutralisation of dilute acids with bases (including alkalis) and carbonates 

(e) neutralisation as the reaction of hydrogen ions with hydroxide ions to form water H+(aq) + OH‒ (aq) → H2O(l) 

(f) the acid/carbonate reaction as a test for acidic substances and CO3 2‒ ions 

(g) the preparation of crystals of soluble salts, such as copper(II) sulfate, from insoluble bases and carbonates (h) the names of the salts formed by hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and sulfuric acid 

(i) the test used to identify SO4 2‒ ions 

(j) titration as a method to prepare solutions of soluble salts and to determine relative concentrations of solutions of acids/alkalis

Metals and their Extraction

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) ores found in the Earth’s crust as the source of most metals and that these metals can be extracted using chemical reactions 

(b) some unreactive metals (e.g. gold) being found in their native form and that the difficulty involved in extracting metals increases as their reactivity increases 

(c) the relative reactivities of metals as demonstrated by displacement (e.g. iron nail in copper(II) chloride solution) and competition reactions (e.g. thermit reaction) 

(d) reduction and oxidation in terms of removal or gain of oxygen 

(e) the industrial extraction of iron in the blast furnace, including the combustion, reduction, decomposition and neutralisation reactions 

(f) electrolysis of molten ionic compounds e.g. lead(II) bromide (including electrode equations) 

(g) reduction and oxidation in terms of gain or loss of electrons 

(h) the industrial extraction of aluminium using electrolysis, including the use of cryolite to dissolve alumina 

(i) the properties and uses of iron (steel), aluminium, copper and titanium

(j) the general properties of transition metals, including their ability to form ions with different charges

(k) an alloy being a mixture made by mixing molten metals, whose properties can be modified by changing its composition 

(l) factors affecting economic viability and sustainability of extraction processes e.g. siting of plants, fuel and energy costs, greenhouse emissions and recycling


Chemical Reactions and Energy

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) exothermic and endothermic reactions in terms of temperature change and energy transfer to or from the surroundings 

(b) energy profiles for exothermic and endothermic reactions 

(c) the activation energy as the energy needed for a reaction to occur 

(d) the use of bond energy data to calculate overall energy change for a reaction and to identify whether it is exothermic or endothermic

Crude Oil, Fuels and Carbon Compound

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) crude oil as a complex mixture of hydrocarbons that was formed over millions of years from the remains of simple marine organisms 

(b) the fractional distillation of crude oil 

(c) fractions as containing mixtures of hydrocarbons (alkanes) with similar boiling points 

(d) the trends in properties of fractions with increasing chain length and the effect on their usefulness as fuels 

(e) the global economic and political importance and social and environmental impact of the oil industry 

(f) the combustion reactions of hydrocarbons and other fuels 

(g) how to determine experimentally the energy per gram released by a burning fuel 

(h) the combustion reaction of hydrogen and its use as an energy source including its advantages and disadvantages as a fuel 

(i) the fire triangle in fire-fighting and fire prevention 

(j) the cracking of some fractions to produce smaller and more useful hydrocarbon molecules, including monomers (alkenes) which can be used to make plastics

(k) the general formula CnH2n+2 for alkanes and CnH2n for alkenes 

(l) the names and molecular and structural formulae for simple alkanes and alkenes 

(m) isomerism in more complex alkanes and alkenes 

(n) the addition reactions of alkenes with hydrogen and bromine and the use of bromine water in testing for alkenes 

(o) the addition polymerisation of ethene and other monomers to produce polythene, poly(propene), poly(vinylchloride) and poly(tetrafluoroethene) 

(p) the general properties of plastics and the uses of polythene, poly(propene), poly(vinylchloride) and poly(tetrafluoroethene) 

(q) the environmental issues relating to the disposal of plastics, in terms of their non-biodegradability, increasing pressure on landfill for waste disposal, and how recycling addresses these issues as well as the need to carefully manage the use of finite natural resources such as crude oil

Physics 2

Distance, Speed and Acceleration

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) motion using speed, velocity and acceleration 

(b) speed-time and distance-time graphs 

(c) the equations: distance = speed / time 


(acceleration) or (deceleration) = change in velocity/ time

(d) velocity-time graphs to determine acceleration and distance travelled 

(e) the principles of forces and motion to the safe stopping of vehicles, including knowledge of the terms reaction time, thinking distance, braking distance and overall stopping distance and discuss the factors which affect these distances 

(f) the physics of motion together with presented data and opinions to discuss traffic control arising from the above, e.g. the need for speed limits and seat belts 

Newton's Law

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the concept of inertia, that mass is an expression of the inertia of a body 

(b) Newton’s first law of motion and be able to state it 

(c) how unbalanced forces produce a change in a body’s motion and that the acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the resultant force and inversely proportional to the body’s mass 

(d) Newton’s second law of motion, and be able to state it, in the form: resultant force = mass × acceleration; F = ma 

(e) the distinction between the weight and mass of an object, the approximation that the weight of an object of mass 1 kg is 10 N on the surface of the Earth and use data on gravitational field strength in calculations involving weight (W = mg) and gravitational potential energy weight (N) = mass (kg) × gravitational field strength (N/kg) 

(f) forces and their effects to explain the behaviour of objects moving through the air, including the concept of terminal speed 

(g) Newton’s third law of motion and be able to state it

Work and Energy

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the fact that, when a force acts on a moving body, energy is transferred although the total amount of energy remains constant 

(b) the equation: work = force x distance moved in the direction of the force;
W = Fd 

(c) the fact that work is a measure of the energy transfer, i.e. that work = energy transfer (in the absence of thermal transfer) 

(d) the fact that an object can possess energy because of its motion (kinetic energy) and position (gravitational potential energy) and deformation (elastic

(e) the equations for kinetic energy and changes in gravitational potential energy: kinetic energy =  (mass×velocity²)/2 ; = 1 / 2 KE mv²

change in potential energy = mass × gravitational field strength × change in height ; PE = mgh 

(f) the relationship between force and extension for a spring and other simple systems; force = spring constant × extension; F= kx 

(g) the work done in stretching by finding the area under the force extension (F-x) graph; = 1/2 Fx for a linear relationship 

(h) how energy efficiency of vehicles can be improved (e.g. by reducing aerodynamic losses/air resistance and rolling resistance, idling losses and inertial losses) 

(i) the principles of forces and motion to an analysis of safety features of cars e.g. air bags and crumple zones

Stars and Planets

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the main features of our solar system: their order, size, orbits and composition to include the Sun, terrestrial planets and gaseous giant planets, dwarf planets, comets, moons and asteroids 

(b) the features of the observable universe (planets, planetary systems, stars and galaxies) and the use of appropriate units of distance: kilometres, astronomical units (AU) and light years (l-y) 

(c) the main observable stages in the life cycle of stars of different masses, using the terms: protostar, main sequence star, red giant, supergiant, white dwarf, supernova, neutron star and black hole 

(d) the fact that the stability of stars depends upon a balance between gravitational force and a combination of gas and radiation pressure and that stars generate their energy by the fusion of increasingly heavier elements 

(e) the return of material, including heavy elements, into space during the final stages in the life cycle of giant stars 

(f) the origin of the solar system from the collapse of a cloud of gas and dust, including elements ejected in supernovae 

(g) the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram as a means of displaying the properties of stars, depicting the evolutionary path of a star

Types of Radiation

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the terms nucleon number (A), proton number (Z) and isotope, and relate them to the number of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus

(b) radioactive emissions as arising from unstable atomic nuclei because of an imbalance between the numbers of protons and neutrons 

(c) the fact that waste materials from nuclear power stations and nuclear medicine are radioactive and some of them will remain radioactive for thousands of years (d) background radiation and be able to make an allowance for it in measurements of radiation 

(e) the random nature of radioactive decay and that it has consequences when undertaking experimental work, requiring repeat readings to be made or measurements over a lengthy period as appropriate 

(f) the differences between alpha, beta and gamma radiation in terms of their penetrating power, relating their penetrating powers to their potential for harm and discussing the consequences for the long term storage of nuclear waste 

(g) alpha radiation as a helium nucleus, beta radiation as a high energy electron and gamma radiation as electromagnetic 

(h) producing and balancing nuclear equations for radioactive decay using the symbols 4He2+ or 4α2 0e(-1) 2β(-1) for the alpha particle and for the beta particle respectively 

(i) natural and artificial sources of background radiation, respond to information about received dose from different sources (including medical X-rays) and discuss the reasons for the variation in radon levels

Half Life

Learners should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of:

(a) the random nature of radioactive decay and to model the decay of a collection of atoms using a constant probability of decay, e.g. using a large collection of dice, coins or a suitably programmed spreadsheet 

(b) how to plot or sketch decay curves for radioactive materials, understand that a given radioactive material has a characteristic half-life and determine the half-life of a material from the decay curve 

(c) how to perform simple calculations involving the activity and half-life of radioactive materials in a variety of contexts, e.g. carbon dating 

(d) the different uses of radioactive materials, relating to the half-life, penetrating power and biologica

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Tuition Costs In Our Buildings and Online

TUITION (Ireland)


Per Month
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1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).


For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).


For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.


Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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British A Levels & GCSEs
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TUITION (United States)


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For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).


For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).


For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.


Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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British A Levels & GCSEs
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(In Our Buildings & Online)​

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£ 400

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4 lessons.
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2 hours per lesson.

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British A Levels & GCSEs
Fly to London
Accommodation recommended

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Tuition Costs In Our Buildings and Online

TUITION (Singapore)


Per Month
For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).


For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).


For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.


Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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Our Official UK Government Exam Centre
British A Levels & GCSEs
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Tuition Costs In Our Buildings and Online

TUITION (South Africa)

R3 500

Per Month
For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).

R8 000

For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).

R8 000

For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.

R100 000

Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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Our Official UK Government Exam Centre
British A Levels & GCSEs
Fly to London
Accommodation recommended

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Tuition Costs In Our Buildings and Online

TUITION (United Arab Emirates)


Per Month
For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).


For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).


For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.


Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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British A Levels & GCSEs
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Tuition Costs In Our Buildings and Online

TUITION (Australia)


Per Month
For Each Subject.
1 lesson each week (same day/time).
2 hours per lesson.
(4 Pupils per class).


For Each Subject.
8 lessons.
2 hours per lesson.
(Useful for late starters).


For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.


Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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Our Official UK Government Exam Centre
British A Levels & GCSEs
Fly to London
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Telephone Numbers:
United Kingdom: 0208 577 0088
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South Africa: 087 550 1935

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USA, UAE & Australia: +44 208 577 0088

Call for free via WhatsApp: +44 7886 673 220


Private Tuition

TUITION (United Kingdom)

Tuition costs (In Our Buildings & Online)

£ 400

For Each Subject.
4 lessons.
1 lesson each week (same day / time).
2 hours per lesson.

£ 5000

Termly in advance.
Full time – mainly online.
Suitable for Home Schooling.
Celebrities and diplomats choice.

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Our Official UK Government Exam Centre
British A Levels & GCSEs
Fly to London
Accommodation recommended


(In Our Buildings & Online)

Ages 5 to 19

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  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Additional subjects available on request.


  • English for beginners / Non – English Speakers
  • English for professionals
    (Lawyers, Accountants, Doctors, etc)


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  • We are one of the oldest tuition providers in the world.
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  • Our teachers are native English speakers, educated to the highest standard.
  • We operate a strict education platform to create high achievers.
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  • We are known for educating celebrities and children of celebrities.
  • We also provide full-time online schooling for those that require it.
  • We look to take on 30 enthusiastic learners each year.
  • Our typical programs last up to 5 years.